Povlačenje igrača se odlaže više od 3 sedmice. Kazino nije odgovorio i bili smo primorani zatvoriti ovu žalbu kao 'neriješenu'.
Uložio sam 50 € u kazino, mogao sam igrati sa 250 € i morao sam se kladiti u 10.000 €, učinio sam to tako da sam želio podići 3k.
Za podršku mi je rečeno da prvo moram uplatiti 200 € kako bih mogao dobiti sve svoje dobitke, što sam i učinio odmah, pa sam deponirao ostatak, koji sada iznosi 300 €
6. rujna podnio sam zahtjev za uplatu, 2 dana kasnije nisam mogao otkazati proces i od tada ste samo odgađani i traženi ste strpljenje.
Mislim, 21 radni dan je već drzak, ali čekam već neko vrijeme.
I deposited € 50 in the casino, was able to play with € 250 and had to wager € 10,000, I did so so that I wanted to withdraw 3k.
In support I was told that I had to deposit € 200 first so that I could get all of my winnings, which I did immediately, so deposited the rest, which is now € 300
On September 6th I applied for the payment, 2 days later I could not cancel the process and since then you have only been put off and asked for patience.
I mean 21 working days is already cheeky but I've been waiting for a while now.
Ich habe im Casino 50€ eingezahlt,konnte mit 250€ spielen und musste 10.000€ umsetzen,dies habe ich getan so das ich dann 3k auszahlen wollte.
Im Support sagte man mir das ich erst 200€ einzahlen müsste damit ich mein ganzen gewinn bekomme.Dies habe ich dann auch umgehend gemacht,also den Rest eingezahlt,mittlerweile schon 300€
Am 6.9 habe ich die Auszahlung beantragt,2 Tage später konnte ich den Vorgang dann nicht mehr abbrechen und seit dem wird man nur noch vertröstet und um Geduld gebeten.
Ich meine 21 Arbeitstage ist schon frech aber ich warte mittlerweile ja schon länger.
Zdravo DonBalboa187,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli svoju žalbu i zaista mi je žao čuti o vašem problemu s g -dinom Sloty Casino. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego što uopće pokušamo kontaktirati kazino.
Je li vaš račun verificiran u kasinu? Ako niste, jeste li im dali sve dokumente koje su tražili? Jeste li se ikada ranije povukli od gospodina Slotyja? Kada ste zadnji put čuli iz kazina i šta su vam odgovorili?
Takođe nam pošaljite bilo koji relevantan dokaz ili komunikaciju između vas i kazina na nikolas.b@casino.guru.
Radujemo se vašem odgovoru.
Hello DonBalboa187,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Mr Sloty Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would even try to contact the casino.
Is your account verified in the casino? If not, did you provide them all the documents they requested? Did you ever withdraw from Mr Sloty before? When was the last time you heard from the casino and what did they respond to you?
Also please send us forward any relevant proof or communication between you and the casino to nikolas.b@casino.guru.
Looking forward to your answer.
Zdravo Nick,
Hvala na brzom odgovoru.
Da, moj račun je u potpunosti verifikovan i radi već 4 sedmice.
Ne, nisam povukao, naprotiv, naprotiv, ovdje sam jednom platio 20i, tamo jednom 50i itd., Pa ga i dalje koristim.
Podržavam svaki dan i prijetio sam regulatornom tijelu itd., Ali uvijek dobijete isti odgovor. "MOLIMO VAS DA BUDEŠ STRPLJIV, UPLATA JE PODLOGA NA DODATNU PROVJERU ZATO ŠTO PREVELI 1000 KREDITA"
Jučer mi je podrška napisala da su navodno poslali podsjetnik odjelu za finansije. Nažalost, ne vjerujem u to 🙁
Poslao sam snimak ekrana posljednjeg razgovora na vašu poštu.
Hello Nick,
Thanks for the quick reply.
Yes, my account is fully verified and has been for 4 weeks.
No, I have not withdrawn, on the contrary, rather the opposite, here once paid 20i, there once 50i etc, so I still use it.
I am in support every day and have threatened the regulatory authority etc, but you always get the same answer. "PLEASE BE PATIENT THE PAYOUT IS SUBJECT TO AN EXTRA CHECK BECAUSE IT EXCEEDS 1000 CREDITS"
Yesterday the support wrote to me that they allegedly sent a reminder to the finance department. Unfortunately, I don't believe in it 🙁
I sent a screenshot of the last conversation to your mail.
Grüß dich Nick,
Danke für die rasche Antwort.
Ja mein Account ist vollständig verifiziert und das auch schon über 4 Wochen.
Nein,zurückgezogen habe ich mich nicht,im Gegenteil,eher das Gegenteil,hier mal 20i eingezahlt,da mal 50i etc,also ich nutze es auch noch.
Ich bin täglich im Support habe auch schon mit der Regulierungsbehörde etc gedroht,aber man bekommt ständig die selbe Antwort. "GEDULDEN SIE SICH DIE AUSZAHLUNG UNTERLIEGT EINER EXTRA PRÜFUNG DA SIE 1000 CREDITS ÜBERSCHREIET"
Gestern hat mir der Support dann geschrieben das sie angeblich eine erinnerung an die Finanzabteilung geschickt hat.Glaube Ich leider nicht dran 🙁
Screenshot von der letzten Konversation habe ich an ihre Mail gesendet.
Hvala DonBalboa187 na pružanju dodatnih informacija. Sada ću vašu žalbu proslijediti kolegi Martinu koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Zelim ti svu srecu.
Thank you DonBalboa187 for providing additional information. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Martin who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck.
Zdravo DonBalboa187!
Od sada ću se brinuti o vašoj žalbi, a također bih pozvao predstavnike g. Sloty Casina da uđu u ovu žalbu kako bi nam pomogli u rješavanju problema.
Hello DonBalboa187!
I will take care of your complaint from now on and I'd also like to invite representatives of Mr Sloty Casino into this complaint in order to help us resolve the issue.
Zdravo Martine,
Da li bi bilo preporučljivo pisati licenci i regulatornom tijelu u isto vrijeme ili bih trebao pričekati i vidjeti?
Hello Martin,
Would it be advisable to write to the license and the regulatory authority at the same time, or should I wait and see?
Hallo Martin,
Wäre es ratsam parallel die Lizenz sowie die Regulierungsbehörde anzuschreiben oder soll ich hier den Fall erst einmal abwarten ?
Zdravo DonBalboa187!
Savjetovao bih da ovdje pokušamo riješiti problem, a u slučaju da zadovoljavajuće rješenje ne bude moguće, možete se obratiti regulatoru.
Hello DonBalboa187!
I would advise that we would try to resolve the issue here and in case satisfactory solution would not be possible, you could contact the regulator.
Pretpostavljam da ga kazino neće komentirati.
Imam i otvorenu žalbu sa ThePogg -om, ni tamo niko neće reagovati.
Koje nadzorno tijelo je odgovorno za ovaj kazino? E Gaming Curacao
I guess the casino won't comment on it.
I also have an open complaint with ThePogg, no one will react there either.
Which supervisory authority is responsible for this casino? E Gaming Curacao
Ich denke mal dass das Casino keine Stellung dazu nehmen wird.
Habe bei ThePogg ebenfalls eine Beschwerde offen,auch dort wird keiner reagieren.
Welche Aufsichtsbehörde ist den für dieses Casino zuständig ? E Gaming Curacao
Dragi DonBalboa187,
Ne možemo priznati ovu licencu, u stvari, malo sam istražio i nisam uspio pronaći relevantnu potvrdu ove licence.
Dear DonBalboa187,
We are not able to recognize this license, in fact, I have taken a little research and I was not able to find any relevant confirmation of this license.
Željeli bismo zamoliti g. Sloty Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, žalbu ćemo zatvoriti kao „neriješenu", što će se negativno odraziti na rejting kazina i učvrstiti njegovu reputaciju u nižim rangovima na našoj web stranici.
We would like to ask Mr Sloty Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’, which will have negative impact on the casino's rating and cementing it's reputation in lower ranks on our website.
Nažalost, ništa od ovoga neće biti.
Svi moji chatovi u podršci su izbrisani auxh. Sve. Bez obzira u koje vrijeme kontaktiram podršku, očito je, navodno, uvijek isto u chatu. Kako to uvijek može biti, ova Nadine je 24 sata na dan u chatu.
Toliko sumnjivo, već sam otpisao novac
Unfortunately, nothing will come of this.
All my chats in support have been deleted auxh. All. And no matter what time I contact the support, it is apparently, supposedly always the same in the chat. How can that always be, 24/7 this Nadine is in the chat.
So dubious, I've already written off the money
Da wird leider nichts kommen.
Meine ganzen chats im Support wurden auxh gelöscht.Allllle.Und egal um welche Uhrzeit ich den Support kontaktiere,es ist scheinbar,angeblich immer die selbe im Chat.Wie kann das sein das immer,24/7 diese Nadine im chat ist.
So unseriös,hab das Geld schon abgeschrieben
S obzirom da nismo dobili nikakav odgovor od kazina u vezi s ovim problemom, ne možemo nastaviti rješavati ovu žalbu i primorani smo je zatvoriti kao 'neriješenu', što će negativno utjecati na rejting kazina i dodatno učvrstiti njegovu reputaciju u nižim rangira na našoj web stranici.
Iskreno se nadam da se više nećete susresti sa ovakvim problemom.
Kazino može ponovo otvoriti ovu žalbu bilo kada.
Since we haven’t received any response from the casino regarding the issue, we cannot continue resolving this complaint and we are forced to close it as ‘unresolved’, which will influence the casino’s rating in a negative way further cementing it's reputation within the lower ranks on our website.
I sincerely hope you won’t come across a problem like this again.
The casino can reopen this complaint anytime.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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