Igraču iz Nemačke je odbijeno povlačenje zbog depozita treće strane. Iako se čini da je ovaj problem rešen, žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
The player from Germany had his withdrawal withheld due to a third-party deposit. Although it seems as though this issue has been resolved, the complaint was rejected because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
Igraču iz Nemačke je odbijeno povlačenje zbog depozita treće strane. Iako se čini da je ovaj problem rešen, žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
Morao sam da postavim 100 dokumenata, ali uvek nešto nije odgovaralo. Uvek traže razloge da odbiju moju isplatu. Sada žele da znaju zašto mi je moja devojka dala novac i žele rukom pisano pismo moje devojke koje objašnjava zašto. Sada imaju bankovne izvode iz poslednjih 6 meseci, platne liste za poslednjih 6 meseci, Skrill transfere iz poslednjih 6 meseci, Paisafecard transakcije iz poslednjih 6 meseci, ličnu kartu, prijavu poreza na prihod 2022, rukom pisano pismo moje devojke, ličnu kartu moje devojke. Svaki dan ponovo odbijaju uplatu i traže nešto novo. Sklanjajte ruke, nastavite sa isplatom sada.
Na samom početku tražena su samo sledeća dokumenta:
1. Koji je vaš glavni izvor prihoda?
·Plata – zaposlenje
Plata – samostalna delatnost
· Dobici
· Prodaja imovine
Cripto rudarstvo
·Drugo (navesti
2. Da li imate druge izvore prihoda?
·Plata – zaposlenje
Plata – samostalna delatnost
· Dobici
· Prodaja imovine
Cripto rudarstvo
·Drugo (navesti
3. Kolika je vaša ukupna godišnja zarada?
€0 - €29,999
30.000 € – 49.999 €
50.000 € – 89.000 €
€90,000 +
4. Koji je vaš očekivani nivo potrošnje godišnje?
0 – 10.000 €
€10,001 – €20,000
€20,001 – €30,000
€30,001 – €40,000
€40,000 +
5. Kakav je vaš radni status?
Zaposleni sa punim radnim vremenom)
Zaposlen (na pola radnog vremena)
·Privremeno ne radi
6. Koje je vaše primarno zanimanje (naziv radnog mesta)?
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili nedoumica, slobodno nas kontaktirajte putem e-pošte ili putem ćaskanja uživo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
N1 kazino tim
Kada sam sve ovo uradio, isplata je odbijena jer žele platni list za februar 2023. (Već 28. februara). Rekao sam da nemam jer još nisam dobio platu da bih dobio izvod poštom. Onda je sve išlo napred-nazad, a oni su i dalje odbijali isplatu. Kada sam primio platni list poštom, odmah sam ga postavio. Odgovor je bio: Svi potrebni dokumenti su sada postavljeni. Prosledićemo dokumente i obraditi povlačenje. Pitam dan kasnije. Odjednom su hteli da znaju zašto mi je devojka dala novac? Tada sam im rekao kako i zašto. Onda je uplata ponovo odbijena i tražili su pismo sa razlogom i žutim iznosom koji mi je dala devojka + tačka + lična karta + potpis moje devojke. Kada sam sve to uradio, povlačenje je ponovo odbijeno i rečeno mi je da mora biti napisano rukom. Kada sam ga napisao rukom, a moja devojka ga potpisala, ponovo je odbijen. Obrazloženje: Ona mora napisati tekst iz perspektive prvog lica. Sada ga je ponovo napisala, držala pored lica i na drugoj strani lica ličnu kartu. Zanima me šta dolazi sutra, možda N1Casino ne odgovara vašem rukopisu ili boja olovke nije bila u redu. Obaveštavaću vas :)... To je svakako i protiv zaštite podataka... Dokazi ili ekrani iz sve prepiske (gde možete videti da stalno smišljaju nove zahteve) su naravno dostupni. Sve šaljete mejlom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Had to upload 100 documents, but something always didn't fit. They are always looking for reasons to refuse my payout. Now they want to know why my girlfriend gave me money and they want a handwritten letter from my girlfriend explaining why. They now have bank statements from the last 6 months, payslips from the last 6 months, Skrill transfers from the last 6 months, Paysafecard transactions from the last 6 months, ID, income tax return 2022, my girlfriend's handwritten letter, my girlfriend's ID. Every day they reject the payment again and look for something new. Hands off, keep trying the payout now.
At the very beginning, only the following documents were requested:
1. What is your main source of income?
·Salary - employment
Salary - self-employment
·Sale of property
Crypto mining
·Other - please specify
2. Do you have other sources of income?
·Salary - employment
Salary - self-employment
·Sale of property
Crypto mining
·Other - please specify
3. What are your total annual earnings?
€0 - €29,999
€30,000 – €49,999
€50,000 – €89,000
€90,000 +
4. What is your expected level of spending per year?
€0 – €10,000
€10,001 – €20,000
€20,001 – €30,000
€30,001 – €40,000
€40,000 +
5. What is your employment status?
Employed (full time)
Employed (part-time)
·Temporarily not working
·College student
6. What is your primary occupation (job title)?
Should you have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or via live chat.
Best regards,
N1 casino team
When I did all this, the payout was denied because they want the February 2023 payslip. (Already on February 28). I said I don't have it because I haven't gotten my salary yet to get the statement in the mail. Then it all went back and forth and they still refused the payout. When I received the payslip in the mail, I uploaded it straight away. The answer was: All required documents have now been uploaded. We will forward the documents and process the withdrawal. I ask a day later. Suddenly they wanted to know why my girlfriend gave me money? I then told them how and why. Then the payment was rejected again and they wanted a letter with the reason and yellow amount that my girlfriend gave me + period + ID card + my girlfriend's signature. When I did all that, the withdrawal was again declined and told it must be handwritten. When I wrote it by hand and my girlfriend signed it, it was rejected again. Rationale: She must write the text from the first-person perspective. Now she wrote it again, held it next to her face and on the other side of her face her ID card. I'm curious what's coming tomorrow, maybe N1Casino doesn't fit your handwriting or the color of the pen wasn't right. I'll keep you up to date :)... It's certainly also against data protection... Evidence or screens from all the correspondence (where you can see that they are constantly coming up with new requirements) are of course available. You send everything by email.
Best regards,
Musste 100 Dokumente hochladen, aber irgendwas hat immer nicht gepasst. Sie suchen immer Gründe um meine Auszahlung abzulehnen. Mittlerweile wollen sie wissen, warum meine Freundin mir Geld gegeben hat und wollen einen handgeschriebenen Brief von meiner Freundin mit einer Begründung. Mittlerweile haben sie die Kontoauszüge der letzten 6 Monate, Gehaltsabrechnungen der letzten 6 Monate, Skrill Überweisungen der letzten 6 Monate, Paysafecard Transaktionen der letzten 6 Monate, Ausweis, Lohnsteuerabrechnung 2022, Hand geschriebenen Brief meiner Freundin, Ausweis meiner Freundin. Jeden Tag lehnen die die Auszahlung erneut ab und suchen irgendwas neues. Finger weg, versuche jetzt weiter die Auszahlung.
Ganz am Anfang wurden nur folgende Dokumente beantragt:
1. What is your main source of income?
·Salary - employment
·Salary - self-employment
·Sale of property
·Crypto mining
·Other - please specify
2. Do you have other sources of income?
·Salary - employment
·Salary - self-employment
·Sale of property
·Crypto mining
·Other - please specify
3. What are your total annual earnings?
·€0 – €29,999
·€30,000 – €49,999
·€50,000 – €89,000
·€90,000 +
4. What is your expected level of spending per year?
·€0 – €10,000
·€10,001 – €20,000
·€20,001 – €30,000
·€30,001 – €40,000
·€40,000 +
5. What is your employment status?
·Employed (full time)
·Employed (part-time)
·Temporarily not working
6. What is your primary occupation (job title)?
Should you have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or via live-chat.
Best Regards,
N1 Casino Team
Als ich das alles getan habe, wurde die Auszahlung abgelehnt, weil sie die Gehaltsabrechnung von Februar 2023 wollen. (Bereits am 28. Februar). Ich sagte, dass ich diese nicht habe, weil ich mein Gehalt noch nicht habe um die Abrechnung per Post bekomme. Dann ging das ganze hin und her und sie haben die Auszahlung trotzdem abgelehnt. Als ich dann per Post die Gehaltsabrechnung erhalten habe, habe ich diese auch direkt hochgeladen. Die Antwort war: Es sind jetzt alle benötigten Dokumente hochgeladen. Wir werden die Dokumente weiterleiten und die Auszahlung bearbeiten. Einen Tag später fragt ich nach. Plötzlich wollten sie wissen, warum meine Freundin mir Geld gegeben hat? Habe denen dann gesagt wieso und warum. Dann wurde die Auszahlung wieder abgelehnt und sie wollten einen Brief mit der Begründung und Gelbmenge die meine Freundin mir gegeben hat + Zeitraum + Ausweis + Unterschrift meiner Freundin. Als ich das alles gemacht hatte, wurde die Auszahlung wieder abgelehnt und es wurde gesagt, es muss handschriftlich sein. Als ich es handschriftlich geschrieben habe und meine Freundin es unterschrieben hat, wurde es wieder abgelehnt. Begründung: Sie muss den Text aus der Ich-Perspektive schreiben. Nun hat sie ihn erneut geschrieben, neben ihr Gesicht gehalten und auf der anderen Seite des Gesichts den Ausweis von ihr. Bin mal gespannt was morgen kommt, vielleicht passt N1Casino nicht ihre Handschrift oder die Farbe des Stifts war nicht richtig. Ich halte euch mal auf den laufenden :)... Es ist sicherlich auch gegen den Datenschutz... Beweise bzw Screen vom ganzen Schriftverkehr (wo man sieht das sie andauernd mit neuen Anforderungen kommen) sind natürlich vorhanden. Sie schicken ja alles per E-Mail zu.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Dragi TobiasVIO,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Nadam se da sam dobro razumeo da ste koristili način plaćanja svoje devojke da uplatite sredstva na svoj kazino račun.
Molimo vas da pogledate naš Kodeks poštenog kockanja za igrače https: //casino.guru/fair-gambling-codek-for-plaiers :
Za depozite i isplate treba da koristite samo bankovne račune i kreditne kartice koje se drže na vaše ime. Ako to ne uradite, možete upasti u nevolje kada pokušavate da izvršite povlačenje. Ovo pravilo je uglavnom na snazi kako bi se sprečila zloupotreba kreditnih kartica, a takođe i zbog međunarodnih propisa protiv pranja novca."
Imajte na umu da je ovo pravilo prekršeno. Kazina mogu dozvoliti neke izuzetke kada deponuju ili povlače sredstva koristeći zajedničku karticu ili se ova mogućnost unapred saopšti.
Ako niste u mogućnosti da dokažete da ste legitimni vlasnik načina plaćanja i niste dobili odobrenje od kazina koje vam dozvoljava da koristite metod plaćanja treće strane, bojim se da ne možemo mnogo da uradimo za ti.
Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru i razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear TobiasVIO,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I hope I understood correctly that you used your girlfriend's payment method to deposit funds into your casino account.
Please check our Fair Gambling Codex for Players https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-players:
For deposits and withdrawals, you should only use bank accounts and credit cards held in your own name. If you don't do this, you might get into trouble when trying to make a withdrawal. This rule is mostly in place to prevent credit card misuse and also because of international anti-money-laundering regulations."
Please understand that this rule has been breached. Some exceptions might be allowed by casinos when depositing or withdrawing funds using a joint card or this possibility is communicated beforehand.
If you’re not able to prove that you are a legitimate owner of the payment method and you haven’t received approval from the casino allowing you to use a third-party payment method, I’m afraid there’s not much we can do for you.
Thank you very much in advance for your reply and understanding.
Best regards,
To apsolutno nije tačno, nije bilo trenutka da je neko uplatio za mene? Kako dobijaš sranja?
That's absolutely not true, there wasn't a moment where someone deposited for me? How do you get the crap?
Das stimmt absolut nicht, es gab nicht einen Moment wo jemand für mich eingezahlt hat? Wie kommt man auf den Mist?
Novac koji sam položio bio je moj novac. Račun je moj nalog. Kako znaš da delim račun sa svojom devojkom i da sam koristio njen novac? Samo zato što mi šalje novac (da ga ne troši) i želi da ga iskoristi za auto? Najveća glupost koju sam ikada čuo. Prema ovoj logici, svi transferi sa trećih lica na račun se tada vide kao vlasnici delova. Drugim rečima, plaćam kolegi 300€ jer mi je nešto kupio, po tvojoj logici jel on onda suvlasnik mog računa? Moja devojka nema apsolutno nikakve veze sa mojim novcem niti sa mojim računom? Da li sada moram da brinem da su moje isplate plate samo „prijateljski" transferi i da je moj poslodavac takođe suvlasnik mog računa? Na kraju sam poslao kazinu sva dokumenta koja pokazuju da je račun na moje ime, da je to moj novac, da imam stalne prihode itd. Jedina stvar za koju mi je moja devojka dala značajne sume novca je auto koji sam ti kupila zatim kupljen (3500€). Mogu da ponudim i račun za auto i fotografiju automobila, ili sam to ponudio kazinu.
Problem je vrlo jednostavan, stalno odbijaju moje povlačenje i svaki put traže neka nova apsurdna dokumenta. Kada ih isporučim, igra počinje iznova.
The money I deposited was my money. The account is my account. How do you know I share the account with my girlfriend and I used her money? Just because she wires me money (so she doesn't spend it) and wants to use it to get a car? Biggest nonsense I've ever heard. According to this logic, all transfers from third parties to an account are then seen as part holders. In other words, I pay a colleague €300 because he bought me something, according to your logic, is he then part owner of my account? My girlfriend has absolutely nothing to do with my money nor with my account? Do I now have to worry that my salary payments are only "friendly" transfers and my employer is also a part owner of my account? I ended up sending the casino all the documents showing that the account is in my name, it's my money, I have a steady income, etc. The only thing my girlfriend has given me any significant sums of money for is the car I got you then bought (3500€). I can also offer the bill for the car and a photo of the car, or I have offered it to the casino.
The problem is very simple, they keep rejecting my withdrawals and requesting some new absurd documents every time. Once I have delivered them, the game starts all over again.
Das Geld was ich eingezahlt habe, war mein Geld. Das Konto, ist mein Konto. Wie kommt man darauf ich das Konto mit meiner Freundin teile und ich ihr Geld genutzt habe? Nur weil sie mir Geld überweist (damit sie es nicht ausgibt) und sich davon ein Auto holen will? Größter unfug den ich jemals gehört habe. Laut dieser Logik wird sämtliche Überweisung von dritten auf ein Konto dann als Teilinhaber gesehen. Sprich, ich zahle einem Kollegen 300€ weil er mir was gekauft hat, ist er laut eurer Logik dann Teilinhaber meines Kontos? Meine Freundin hat absolut nichts mit meinem Geld noch mit meinem Konto zu tun? Muss ich jetzt Angst haben das meine Gehaltszahlungen nur "freundschaftliche" Überweisungen sind und mein Arbeitgeber auch Teilinhaber meines Kontos ist? Ich dem Casino schließlich alle Dokumente gesendet wo ersichtlich ist, dass das Konto auf meinem Namen läuft, es sich um mein Geld handelt, ich ein regelmäßiges Einkommen habe usw. Das einzige wo meine Freundin mir größere Summen überwiesen hat, war für das Auto was ich ihr dann gekauft habe (3500€). Die Rechnung des Autos und ein Foto von dem Auto kann ich auch anbieten bzw habe ich dem Casino angeboten.
Das Problem ist ganz einfach, die lehnen meine Auszahlungen immer ab und fordern jedes mal irgendwelche neuen absurden Dokumente an. Wenn ich diese dann geliefert habe, gehts das Spielchen von neu los.
Izvinjavam se zbog nesporazuma. Kao što sam napisao u svom prvom odgovoru, nadam se da sam dobro razumeo problem, očigledno nisam. Pretpostavio sam da ako su svi ti dokumenti traženi od kazina, da ste koristili način plaćanja svoje devojke ili zajednički račun da biste uplatili sredstva na svoj kazino račun. Osim toga, imajte na umu da su sve vaše poruke prevedene sa vašeg jezika na engleski i stoga se ponekad možemo izgubiti u prevodu. Hvala vam na pažnji.
Sada vidim da je problem u tome što kazino istražuje izvor prihoda. Da li postoji neka relevantna komunikacija koju biste želeli da podelite sa mnom pre nego što nastavimo da direktno kontaktiramo kazino? Moja adresa e-pošte je KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk . Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
I do apologize for the misunderstanding. As I wrote in my very first reply, I hope I understood the issue correctly, obviously, I didn't. I assumed that if all those documents were requested from the casino, that you used your girlfriend's payment method or a joint account to deposit funds into your casino account. Additionally, please understand that all your messages are translated from your language to English and therefore, we may get lost in translation sometimes. Thank you for your consideration.
I can see now that the issue is that the casino investigates the Source of Income. Is there any relevant communication that you'd like to share with me before we'll proceed to contact the casino directly? My email address is petronela.k@casino.guru. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Nisam znao za Engleze. Onda bih pisao direktno na engleskom. Isplata još uvek nije izvršena i svaki put sam odložen i trebalo bi da bude. Inače još nema vesti. Hvala vam za vaše napore.
I didn't know about the English. Then I would have written directly in English. The payout is still not carried out and every time I am put off and should be. Otherwise there is no news yet. Thank you for your efforts.
Hvala vam puno, TobiasVIO, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Mihalu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, TobiasVIO, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Michal (michal.k@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo TobiasVIO,
Ja sam Michal i preuzeo sam vašu žalbu. Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da rasvetlimo ovu stvar.
Pozivamo N1 Kazino da se pridruži razgovoru.
Poštovani N1 kazino,
Možete li dati više informacija u vezi sa problemima sa verifikacijom igrača? Razumem da imate pravo da zahtevate razne dokumente od igrača kao deo KIC i AML procesa, ali izgleda da vam je igrač dao širok izbor dokumenata, zar to nije bilo dovoljno? Koji su još dokumenti potrebni da se konačno uspešno završi proces KIC i AML?
Hello TobiasVIO,
I'm Michal and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed your case and I will contact the casino to shed more light on this matter.
We would like to invite N1 Casino to join the conversation.
Dear N1 Casino,
Can you please provide more information regarding the player's verification issues? I understand that you are entitled to request various documents from the players as a part of the KYC and AML process, but it looks like the player has provided you with a wide variety of documents, were these not sufficient? What other documents are required to finally successfully finish the KYC and AML process?
Samo da pojasnimo, nismo identifikovali nijednu korišćenu metodu treće strane - igrač je napravio depozite koristeći sopstvene novčanike, bankovne račune.
Još jednom smo pregledali vaš nalog i duboko se izvinjavamo što ste izgubili vreme zbog dodatne verifikacije.
S obzirom na vašu situaciju, date izjave i objašnjenja, ništa više nije potrebno i neće se tražiti.
U slučaju sledećeg povlačenja, biće potrebno samo da ponovo učitate dokumente u okviru KIC-a, ništa više.
Just to clarify, we didn't identify any 3rd party methods used - the player made deposits with the use of his own wallets, bank accounts.
We have reviewed your accound once again and deeply apologize for that your time was wasted due to additional verification.
Given your situation, the statements and explanations provided, nothing more is necessary and won't be requested.
In the case of the next withdrawal, you will only need to reload the documents within the framework of KYC, nothing more.
Hvala vam na odgovoru N1 Casino.
Dragi TobiasVIO,
Prema odgovoru N1 Casinos-a, vaša verifikacija je trebalo da bude uspešno obavljena i možete da zatražite povlačenje, obavestite me da li je sada sve u redu za vas i da li možemo da smatramo da je vaša žalba rešena.
Thank you for the response N1 Casino.
Dear TobiasVIO,
As per the N1 Casinos response, your verification should have been done successfully and you can request a withdrawal, please let me know if everything is OK for you now and if we can consider your complaint to be resolved.
Dear TobiasVIO,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Dragi TobiasVIO,
Iako se čini da je ovo pitanje rešeno, pošto nismo dobili dalji odgovor da to potvrdimo, nažalost, primorani smo da odbijemo ovu žalbu. Bez vaše saradnje ne može se mnogo učiniti.
Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear TobiasVIO,
Although it seems as though this issue has been resolved, as we haven't had a further response from you to confirm this we are, unfortunately, forced to reject this complaint. There is not much that can be done without your cooperation.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.