račun igrača je zatvoren zbog poslovne odluke.
Video poziv je sproveden u cilju verifikacije identifikacije igrača i verifikacije dobitaka. Nakon uspešnog poziva, igrač je obavešten da je potreban izvod iz banke, da bi mogao ručno da podigne preostali iznos.
Poziv se dogodio 30. avgusta, odmah nakon što je igraču poslat e-mail sa svim potrebnim informacijama.
9. septembra igrač odgovara na ovaj imejl bez ikakvog dokumenta i samo tvrdi da igrač nije čuo ništa od nas od 3 nedelje. Na ovu e-poštu smo direktno odgovorili sa istim podacima od ranije, koji dokument je potreban i šta će se desiti sa njenim stanjem.
Od tada čekamo odgovor i traženi dokument.
Plejer nije u skladu sa specifikacijama. Čim se obezbedi potreban dokument, preostali iznos se može poslati igraču.
Račun će ostati trajno zatvoren.
the player account was closed due to a business decision.
The Video call was conducted in order to verify the players identification and verify the winnings. After successful call, player was informed that a bank statement is needed, to be able to manually withdraw the remaining balance.
The call happened on Aug 30th, right after an email was send to the player with all the info needed.
On Sep 9th player answers on this email without any document and only claims that the player did not hear anything from us since 3 weeks. To this email we replied directly with the same info from before, what document is needed and what will happen with her balance.
Since then we wait for an answer and the requested document.
Player does not comply to the specifications. As soon as the needed document is provided, the remaining balance can be sent to the player.
The account will stay closed permanently.
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