Polažem svoj novac na svoju karticu, koja je povezana sa mojim računom. U nedelju, 5/11/24, osvojio sam £200. I mene su pitali, kroz proces podizanja, na koju karticu želim da podignem novac. Ovo je bila ista kartica koju sam koristio za uplatu novca. 24 sata kasnije, dobio sam e-poštu u kojoj se kaže da je isplata odbijena i da su pokušali da obrađuju novac na kartici na mom slotnite računu, koji je istekao. Zamolio sam ih da uklone ovu karticu, što se još uvek nije dogodilo. Zatim su me pitali sa kojom karticom želim da obradim povlačenje, a ja sam im ponovo rekao da sam to već uradio, i to ista kartica koju sam već izabrao ranije i kartica na koju sam deponovao novac. Dođite u sredu, i još uvek nema znaka odgovora putem e-pošte. Razgovarao sam sa njihovim onlajn ćaskanjem i stalno se zaglavljujem sa 24–48 sati čekanja bez stvarne pomoći, a oni kažu da samo tim za naloge može pomoći, što je samo putem e-pošte. Takođe su rekli da postoji zaostatak u isplatama. Što razumem.. ali osećam da pokušavaju da me zavaraju. Kada odem na svoj račun, nema traga o novcu koji sam osvojio ili obradi informacija. Čini se da je sve nestalo. Veoma sam zabrinut i osećam da pokušavaju da zadrže moj dobitak. Ovo je veoma neprofesionalno; Nikada ranije nisam sreo ovo od drugih provajdera kazina. I uvek su imali dobru komunikaciju. Nisam siguran šta da radim ili samo da se držim, ali nije lepo ostati u mraku. Dođite u četvrtak, 9., i dalje nema odgovora putem e-pošte. 4 dana kasnije od predviđenih 24/48 sati za odgovor, ponovo sam stupio u kontakt putem ćaskanja. Sada mi je rečeno da računi žele izvod iz banke, ove informacije su dobijene iz onlajn ćaskanja i opet ništa sa računa. pa šaljem relevantne informacije putem e-pošte i dobijam iste. Stupićemo u kontakt u roku od 24 do 48 sati. Sada je petak i još uvek nema odgovora, a prošlo je 5 dana otkako sam pokušao da podignem novac bez odgovora ili jasne informacije od tima za račune. Zaista sam frustriran kako me tretiraju u vezi sa ovim. 5 dana bez odgovora jednostavno je nepristojno! Tamo ne drže svoju reč o vremenu odgovora.
I deposit my money with my card, which is linked to my account. On Sunday, 5/11/24, I won £200. And I was asked, through the withdrawal process, which card I wanted to withdraw the money into. This was the same card I used to deposit the money. 24 hours later, I got an email saying the payout had been declined and they had tried to process the money on a card on my slotnite account, which has expired. I asked them to remove this card, which still hasn’t happened. They then asked which card I wanted to process the withdrawal with, and I again told them I had already done that, and it was the same card I had already chosen prior and the card I had deposited my money with. Come Wednesday, and there's still no sign of a response via email. I spoke to their online chat, and I keep getting stuck with 24–48 hours of wait time with no real help, and they say that only the accounts team can help, which is only via email. They also said that there is a backlog on payouts. Which I understand.. but I feel like they’re trying to fob me off. When I go to my account, there is no sign of the money I won or processing information. Everything seems to have vanished. I’m very concerned and feel like they’re trying to hold on to my winnings. This is very unprofessional; I’ve never encountered this before from other casino providers. And have always had good communication provided. I’m not sure what to do or just hold on, but it’s not nice being left in the dark. Come Thursday, the 9th, still no response via email. 4 days later than their supposed 24/48 hours for a response, I got in touch via chat again. Now I get told that accounts want a bank statement, this info was provided from the online chat and again nothing from accounts. so I send the relevant information via email and get the same. We will get in touch within 24 to 48 hours. It’s Friday now and still no response, and it’s been 5 days since I tried to withdraw the money without a response or clear information from the accounts team. I’m really frustrated how they are treating me in regards to this. 5 days without a response it just plain rude! There not keeping their word on the response time.
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