Zdravo Veronika, hvala na brzom odgovoru, pogledao sam uslove i nisam ih prekršio, samo jedan nalog po domaćinstvu i to je i dalje isto, jedan nalog je zatvoren a drugi otvoren , dakle to je samo jedan nalog?
takođe sam poslao svoje podatke čim sam otvorio svoj novi nalog, nije kao da sam osvojio novac, a zatim poslao detalje, da su uslovi i odredbe funkcionisali, to bi / trebalo je da blokira moj nalog čim otvorim nalog jer Morao sam da kažem svoju adresu tako da bi kazino trebalo da zna da sam ranije imao račun, po mom mišljenju ovo je mana na velobetu, a ne ja, bili su dovoljno srećni i dovoljno brzi da uzmu moje depozite, ali kada su videli novac kako stoji, želim da ugasi nalog...
što se tiče mog bivšeg, ona je imala lozinke za moj telefon za sve moje naloge itd., poslala im je e-poštu a da ja nisam znao na MOJU adresu e-pošte da bi izgledalo kao da sam to ja i rekla da imam problema sa kockanjem, pokušao sam da poslala e-mail velobetu pre nego što je ugasila nalog u vezi povlačenja i nikad nisam dobio odgovor, srećom sam sam to sredio, a onda sam malo kasnije pokušao da se prijavim na svoj stari nalog i pisalo je da je korisnik blokiran tada sam saznala za njeno slanje e-pošte velo i zatvaranje naloga.
zbog toga što velo nije odgovorio na prethodne e-poruke, odlučio sam da napravim novi nalog jer je proces verifikacije bio dovoljno lak prošli put umesto da danima čekam e-poštu koja nikada neće stići u vezi sa starim nalogom.
Zaista se nadam da će mi kazino poslati novac koji je ležao na računu koji je s pravom moj jer sam već potrošio tih 850 GBP u svojoj banci jer nisam očekivao probleme sa vraćanjem novca koji sam osvojio. Nadam se da ćemo se uskoro čuti, Veronika, hvala još jednom na brzom odgovoru. Zaista cenim to, jer me ovo opterećuje i ostavlja u problemima sa novcem.
Hi Veronika, thank you for your quick reply, I’ve had a look at the terms and conditions and to me I haven’t broken them, only one account per household and that’s still the same, one account was closed and another was opened, therefor it’s only one account?
also I sent my details away as soon as I opened my new account it’s not as if I’ve won the money then sent away details, if the terms and conditions worked it would / should have blocked my account the second I created the account because I had to say my address so therefor the casino should know I’ve had an account before, in my opinion this is a flaw on velobet not me, they were happy enough and quick enough to take my deposits but when they seen money sitting they want to shut the account down…
regards to my ex she had the passwords to my phone all my accounts etc etc, she sent them an email without me knowing on MY email address to make it look as if it was me and said I have gambling problems, I’ve tried to email velobet before she shut the account down about a withdrawal and I never got a response back, luckily I got it sorted that time myself, then a short while later I tried to log back into my old account and it said user blocked that’s when I found out about her emailing velo and closing the account down.
due to previous emails not being answered by velo I opted to make a new account because the verification process was easy enough last time round instead of waiting days for an email that’s never coming about an old account.
I really hope the casino send me the money that was sitting in the account which is rightfully mine because I’ve spent that 850gbp already in my bank as I was expecting no issues with having the money back that I won. Hope to hear from you soon Veronika thanks again for your quick response I really appreciate it, as this is stressing me out and leaving me in money trouble now.
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