Igraču iz Nemačke je ograničena dobit čak i ako je prethodno bio obavešten da je maksimalna isplata veća od onog primenjenog na kraju. Žalba igrača je uspešno rešena.
The player from Germany had his winnings capped even if he's been informed previously that the maximum cashout is greater than the one applied at the end. Player’s complaint has been resolved successfully.
Igraču iz Nemačke je ograničena dobit čak i ako je prethodno bio obavešten da je maksimalna isplata veća od onog primenjenog na kraju. Žalba igrača je uspešno rešena.
U suštini, želeo bih da počnem tako što ću reći da sam zapravo bio veoma zadovoljan kazinom do ovog incidenta.
Imao sam HighRoller bonus na svom računu za koji je minimalni depozit bio 200 €. Nažalost, u uslovima bonusa nije navedeno koliki je maksimalni iznos konverzije u stvarni kredit nakon konverzije bonusa.
Iz tog razloga sam kontaktirao podršku i oni su hteli da me naknadno obaveste mejlom jer, kao što sam rekao, nije bilo u uslovima, a ni podrška nije znala.
Bonus je izgledao ovako:
Potreban je visok iznos depozita, maksimalna moguća opklada i visok iznos bonusa koji se može primiti nakon deponovanja.
Odgovor iz kazina je ubrzo kasnije izgledao ovako:
Dakle, maksimalni iznos konverzije, koji nije naveden u uslovima, treba da bude 17.361 €. Takođe odgovara za HighRoller Bonus.
Nedugo kasnije ponovo sam pitao podršku, koja mi je to takođe potvrdila. Čak sam ponovo pitao da nije 1000€. 1000 € mak
Iznos bonusa, koji je u uslovima, odbijen je i rečeno mi je, kao što je i za očekivati, da se odnosi na depozit. Odgovor:
Najkasnije sa porukom mi je bilo jasno koliki je maksimalni iznos konverzije za moj bonus.
Poruke se prikazuju dva puta, mora da je tehnički problem.
Tako da sam igrao i uložio bonus. Na kraju sam došao do iznosa od 2.225,00 €.
Nakon implementacije imao sam samo 1000€.
Dakle, sada nedostaje 1,225,00 €.
Smatram da je to veoma nepravedno, jer inače nikada ne bih prihvatio ovaj bonus.
Podrška je reprezentativna za kazino i ne možete mi dati pogrešan iznos oko 5 puta i ne dati nijedan u uslovima.
Na kraju krajeva, bilo bi pošteno samo ako se držite onoga što kažete.
Da je tako prošlo, jednostavno bih bio namamljen da položim depozit, mislim da je to šteta.
Sada sam čak klasifikovan kao VIP kupac u kazinu, zbog čega bi bilo dobro da obe strane pronađu rešenje.
Inače, uplate i isplate su uvek stizale brzo i bio sam više nego zadovoljan izborom ponuda.
Samo me ova situacija toliko uznemirava jer sam prevaren.
Basically I would like to start by saying that I was actually very happy with the casino until this incident.
I had a HighRoller Bonus in my account for which the minimum deposit was €200. Unfortunately, the bonus conditions did not state how much the maximum conversion amount into real credit is after the bonus conversion.
For this reason, I contacted the support and they then wanted to inform me later by email because, as I said, it wasn't in the conditions and the support didn't know it either.
The bonus looked like this:
High deposit amount required, high maximum bet possible and a high bonus amount that can be received after depositing.
The answer from the casino looked like this a short time later:
Thus, the maximum conversion amount, which was not specified in the conditions, should be €17,361. Also fits for a HighRoller Bonus.
A short time later I asked the support again, who also confirmed this to me. I even asked again if it wasn't 1000€. The €1000 max
Bonus Amount, which is in the terms and conditions, was denied and I was told, as is to be expected, that it relates to the deposit. The answer:
At the latest with the message, it was clear to me that what is the maximum conversion amount for my bonus.
The messages are displayed twice, it must be a technical problem.
So I played and wagered the bonus. In the end I came up with an amount of €2,225.00.
After the implementation I only had 1000€.
So now €1,225.00 is missing.
I find that very unfair, because otherwise I would never have accepted this bonus.
The support is representative of the casino and you can't give me the wrong amount about 5 times and not give any in the terms.
Ultimately, it would only be fair if you then stick to what you say.
If it went through like that, I would just have been lured to deposit, I think that's a shame.
I am now even classified as a VIP customer at the casino, which is why it would be good for both sides to find a solution.
Otherwise, deposits and withdrawals always arrived quickly and I was more than satisfied with the selection of offers.
Only this situation upsets me so much because I was cheated.
Grundlegend möchte ich erstmal sagen, dass ich eigentlich sehr zufrieden mit dem Casino war, bis zu diesem Vorfall.
Ich hatte in meinem Konto einen HighRoller Bonus, für den die Einzahlung mindestens 200€ waren. In den Bonusbedingungen stand leider nicht wie viel der maximal Umwandlungsbetrag in das reale Guthaben nach der Bonusumsetzung ist.
Aus diesem Grund habe ich den Support kontaktiert und dieser wollte mich dann nachträglich per Email informieren, weil es wie gesagt nicht in den Bedingungen stand und der Support es deswegen auch nicht wusste.
Der Bonus sah so aus:
Hoher Einzahlungsbetrag benötigt, hoher maximaler Einsatz möglich und ein hoher Bonusbetrag, den man erhalten kann nach der Einzahlung.
Die Antwort vom Casino sah den kurzer Zeit später so aus:
Somit sollte der Maximale Umwandlungsbetrag welcher in den Bedingungen nicht festgehalten wurde, bei 17.361€ liegen. Passt auch für einen HighRoller Bonus.
Kurze Zeit darauf habe ich dann nochmal den Support gefragt, welcher mir das auch bestätigt hat. Ich habe sogar extra nochmal gefragt ob es nicht 1000€ sind. Die 1000€ Max
Bonus Amount, was in den Bedingungen steht wurden verneint und es wurde mir gesagt, wie auch zu vermutten ist, dass es sich auf die Einzahlung bezieht. Die Antwort:
Spätestens mit der Nachricht war mir dann klar, dass was der maximale Umwandlungsbetrag für meinen Bonus ist.
Die Nachrichten werden da doppelt angezeigt, es muss ein technisches Problem sein.
Ich habe deswegen gespielt und den Bonus umgesetzt. Am Ende kam ich auf einen Betrag von 2,225.00€.
Nach der Umsetzung hatte ich nur noch 1000€.
Es fehlen nun also 1,225,00€.
Ich finde das sehr unfair, denn ich hätte diesen Bonus sonst niemals angenommen.
Der Support steht repräntativ für das Casino und man kann mir nicht ungefähr 5 mal einen falschen Betrag nennen und in den Bedingungen keinen nennen.
Letztendlich wäre es nur fair, wenn man sich dann auch an das hält was man sagt.
Wenn das so durch gehen würde, dann hätte man mich einfach nur angelockt um einzuzahlen, ich finde das sehr schade.
Ich bin bei dem Casino sogar mittlerweile als VIP-Kunde eingestuft, weshalb es auch für beide Seiten gut wäre, eine Lösung zu finden.
Ansonsten kamen Ein- und Auszahlungen immer schnell an und mit der Angebotsauswahl war ich auch mehr als zufrieden.
Lediglich diese Situation verärgert mich so, da ich betrogen wurde.
Dragi Leons04,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih u potpunosti razumeo celu situaciju. Da li ste ranije iskoristili isti High Roller bonus? Da li ste već primili ograničene dobitke? Da li sam dobro razumeo da je bonus bio dostupan unutar vašeg kazino naloga da bi se aktivirao sa vaše strane (nije vam ga poslala treća strana)?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite svoj problem što je pre moguće. Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Leons04,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Have you redeemed the same High Roller bonus in the past? Have you received the capped winnings already? Do I understand correctly that the bonus was available inside your casino account to be activated from your side (not sent to you by a third-party)?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve your problem as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Imao sam bonus i ranije, ali nikada nije došao do takvih iznosa (bez pobede ili nisam napravio opkladu). Ovo je bio prvi put da je prikupljen takav iznos.
Naravno, isplaćena mi je ograničena suma. Kao i uvek, isplata je bila veoma brza.
Bonus je morao biti izabran prilikom uplate depozita i tada je bio dostupan u odeljku za bonuse.
I had had the bonus before, but it never came to such amounts (no win or didn't make the wager). This was the first time that such an amount was raised.
Of course, I had the capped amount paid out to me. As always, the payout was very quick.
The bonus had to be selected when making a deposit and was then available in the bonus section.
Ich hatte den Bonus früher auch schon mal gehabt, jedoch kam es nie zu solchen Beträgen (kein Gewinn oder den Wager nicht geschafft). Das war das erste mal das es zu solch einem Betrag kam.
Den gedeckelten Betrag hab ich mir selbstverständlich auszahlen lassen. Die Auszahlung kam auch wie immer sehr schnell an.
Der Bonus musste bei der Einzahlung ausgewählt werden und war danach im Bonusbereich vorhanden.
Zdravo, Leons04!
Hvala vam na povratnim informacijama i detaljnom objašnjenju. Uložili smo sve napore da razmotrimo trenutnu situaciju i dođemo do detaljnog odgovora.
Proverili smo sve informacije i saznali da je maksimalni dobitak od "Highroller" bonusa 1.000 EUR. Žao nam je što ste se suočili sa takvim problemom. Avaj, greške se dešavaju svima. Nažalost, mi nismo izuzetak. Naš menadžer za korisničku podršku je napravio grešku u proveri uslova bonusa, što je dovelo do velikog nesporazuma.
Možete biti sigurni da smo već sproveli novu obuku za naše menadžere kako bismo sprečili ovakve nevolje u budućnosti. I sigurno ćemo dodati informacije o maksimalnom dobitku u bonus uslove na našoj veb stranici.
Želimo da se iskupimo za svoje greške. Stoga smo odlučili da dodamo još jedan "Highroller" bonus od 100 EUR. Već možete pronaći ovaj bonus na svom nalogu za igre. Zaista se nadamo da ćete uživati u igri i da nas možete ispričati za ovaj mali previd.
Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć ili dodatne informacije o uslovima bonusa, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate putem e-pošte customercare@bluechip.io , ili korišćenjem funkcije ćaskanja uživo na našoj veb stranici. Budite sigurni da vas naš tim više neće izneveriti!
Ugodna igra!
Hello, Leons04!
Thank you for your feedback and detailed explanation. We've made every effort to review the current situation and come up with a detailed answer.
We checked all the info and found out that the max win from the "Highroller" bonus is 1,000 EUR. We're so sorry you had to experience such a problem. Alas, mistakes happen to everyone. Unfortunately, we are not an exception. Our customer care manager made a mistake in checking the bonus conditions, which led to a huge misunderstanding.
You can be sure that we have already conducted a new training for our managers to prevent such troubles in the future. And for sure, we will add the info about the maximum winnings to the bonus conditions on our website.
We want to make amends for our faults. Hence, we've decided to add one more "Highroller" bonus of 100 EUR. You can already find this bonus in your Gaming Account. We really hope that you'll enjoy the game and can excuse us for this small oversight.
If you need further assistance or additional information about the bonus conditions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email customercare@bluechip.io, or by using the live chat feature on our website. Rest assured that our team will not let you down again!
Have a nice game!
Dragi timu BlueChip kazina ,
Da li sam dobro razumeo da je maksimalni cashout od €17,361 potvrđen igraču ne jednom, već dva puta? Dodatno, maksimalni cashout nije pomenut u zvaničnoj ponudi koja je bila dostupna na nalogu igrača, zar ne?
Dear BlueChip Casino team,
Do I understand correctly that the maximum cashout of €17,361 was confirmed not once, but twice to the player? Additionally, the maximum cashout wasn't mentioned in the official offer that has been available inside the player's account, is that right?
Zdravo, Petronela!
U detaljnoj proveri smo otkrili da je igraču nekoliko puta zaista date netačne informacije. Ova neprikladna informacija dovela je do ovakvih posledica. Priznajemo našu grešku i izvinjavamo se zbog nastale situacije.
Naš tim već radi na ispravljanju greške na sajtu. Daćemo sve od sebe da se naši igrači osećaju što je moguće prijatnije u prostranstvu našeg onlajn kazina.
Što se tiče iznosa koji je oduzet pod uslovima bonusa, odlučili smo da nadoknadimo igraču za njegove poštene dobitke. Mi smo za iskren i poverljiv odnos sa igračima. Dakle, ne možemo da zanemarimo sopstvene greške, koje su dovele do gubitka dobitaka.
Dragi Leons04!
Želimo da vas obavestimo da je vaš dobitak od 1227,29 EUR vraćen na vaš račun. Vaš novac je pripisan stvarnom stanju vašeg računa za igre i spreman je za povlačenje.
Molimo Vas da još jednom prihvatite naše izvinjenje. I hvala vam puno na strpljenju! Nadamo se da ova situacija neće biti razlog da se razočarate u naš kazino.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, uvek nas možete kontaktirati. Naš tim radi 24/7.
Hello, Petronela!
In a detailed check, we found that the player was indeed given incorrect information several times. This inappropriate information led to such consequences. We acknowledge our mistake and apologize for the situation.
Our team is already working on fixing the bug on the site. We will do our best to make our players feel as comfortable as possible in the vastness of our online casino.
As for the amount that was subtracted under the bonus terms, we have decided to compensate the player for his fair winnings. We are for an honest and trusting relationship with the players. So we cannot ignore our own mistakes, which led to losing winnings.
Dear Leons04!
We want to inform you that your winnings of 1227.29 EUR have been returned to your account. Your money has been credited to the real balance of your Gaming Account and is ready for withdrawal.
Please accept our apologies once again. And thank you so much for your patience! We hope that this situation will not be a reason for you to be disappointed in our casino.
If you have additional questions, you can always contact us. Our team works 24/7.
Već sam primio iznos ili uplatu. Sve u svemu, veoma sam zadovoljan što je došlo do kompromisa. Želeo bih da se zahvalim Casino Guru-u, kao i BlueChip-u.
Pored toga, ostavio sam iskrenu recenziju.
U suprotnom, slučaj se može zatvoriti.
I have already received the amount or payment. All in all, I am very pleased that a compromise could be reached. I would like to thank Casino Guru, as well as BlueChip.
In addition, I left an honest review.
Otherwise the case can be closed.
Ich habe den Betrag bzw. die Auszahlung nun auch schon erhalten. Im ganzen freut es mich sehr, dass es zu einem Kompromiss kommen konnte. Ich bedanke mich bei Casino Guru, sowie bei auch bei BlueChip.
Zusätzlich habe ich eine ehrlich Bewetung da gelassen.
Ansonsten kann der Fall geschlossen werden.
Hvala vam, BlueChip Casino, na pomoći.
Pošto je problem uspešno rešen, sada ćemo zatvoriti žalbu kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Puno vam hvala, Leons04, na potvrdi, i ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš centar za rešavanje žalbi ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you, BlueChip Casino, for your assistance.
As the problem has been successfully resolved, we will now close the complaint as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thank you very much, Leons04, for your confirmation, and please don’t hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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