The player from the United States had raised a complaint about the casino's gaming software, claiming it was rigged. She believed that bonuses were predetermined and despite her investment of $2,000, the feature never activated. We had requested her gaming history in Excel format to further investigate the issue. However, despite extending the response time by 7 days, the player did not provide the requested information. Therefore, we were unable to proceed with the investigation and the complaint had been rejected.
Igrač iz Sjedinjenih Država je podneo žalbu na softver za igre u kazinu, tvrdeći da je namešten. Verovala je da su bonusi unapred određeni i uprkos njenom ulaganju od 2.000 dolara, funkcija se nikada nije aktivirala. Zatražili smo njenu istoriju igara u Ekcel formatu da bismo dalje istražili problem. Međutim, uprkos produženju vremena odgovora za 7 dana, igrač nije dao tražene informacije. Zbog toga nismo bili u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa istragom i žalba je odbijena.
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