Dobio sam e-poštu sa bonus kodom R70. Ali nakon što je kod aktiviran i depozit je 32 dolara. Bonus nije pripisan. Nakon toga sam pisao u čet i rekao im da je bonus pripisan ručno. Ali rečeno mi je da se bonus ne može upisati i oni su tu informaciju prosledili odeljenju za bonuse. Nakon toga sam u četovanju odgovorio da mi ne treba bonus i da ću igrati za pravi novac. Čim sam podigao stanje na 70 dolara nakon 15 minuta, dodali su mi bonus. I već sam osvojio k3 depozita i hteo sam da ga podignem, ali sada ne žele da mi ga podignu. Iako sam odbio ovaj bonus u ćaskanju, pomozite mi
I received an email with the bonus code R70. But after the code is activated and the deposit is $ 32. The bonus was not credited. After that, I wrote to the chat and told them that the bonus was credited manually. But I was told that the bonus could not be credited and they passed the information to the bonus department. After that, I replied in the chat that I did not need a bonus and I would play for real money. As soon as I raised my balance to $70 after 15 minutes, they added a bonus to me. And I have already won back x3 of the deposit and wanted to withdraw it, but now they don't want to withdraw it to me. Although I refused this bonus in the chat, help me
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