Zdravo, hvala na brzom odgovoru.
Prvo želim da vam kažem hvala što imate ovu platformu, ne znam baš mnogo o onlajn kockanju i dostupnim resursima, ali mi je drago što sam naišao na ovu veb stranicu.
Samo da pružim malo konteksta, pre godinu dana sam od članova porodice saznao za problem mog brata. Nikada nisam znao da se kockao pre ovoga jer nikada nismo bili odgajani sa nekim ko se kockao. Na kraju je priznao velike iznose dugova koje je nagomilao i brojne laži koje je izgovorio. Bio je suočen sa teškom depresijom i obratio mi se za podršku.
upisao sam ga kod terapeuta i verujem da je radio nešto slično sastancima AA, možda je kockanje anonimno, mislim da se to zove ili nešto slično tome.
Mislio sam da je konačno došao kraj jer je posle nekoliko meseci rekao sebi i mojoj porodici da ima zabranu gamstopa, a takođe mu je rekao njegov terapeut ili sponzor ili neko da više nije u stanju da se nosi sa novac i da je morao da imenuje nekoga da mu čuva novac. Očigledno je ovo deo od 12 koraka ili nešto slično, ali imalo je smisla, ako nije imao karticu i onlajn bankarstvo onda bukvalno ne može da se kladi na mreži. Dakle, prošlo je oko 6 meseci kada sam se brinuo o njegovom novcu, njegove plate dolaze na moj bankovni račun i ako mu zatreba keš ili izvrši uplate, pita me i ja to radim u njegovo ime.
U ovom trenutku, konačno sam bio zadovoljan što je njegov problem sa kockanjem rešen i bio sam zadovoljan napretkom koji je napravio.
Pre otprilike 3 meseca otpušten je i od tada je nezaposlen. Pokušao sam da mu pomognem da stane na noge, ali sam primetio da se njegov depresivni stav vratio, ali nisam to pominjao.
Izvinjavam se za dugu priču, ali nadam se da će ovo pomoći svim stranama da razumeju situaciju. Evo problema, tokom prošlog meseca bilo je više transakcija od 200-300 funti različitim kompanijama. Ovo nije izazvalo nikakve zastavice i nisam to primetio dok moji poslovni tokovi novca prolaze kroz kartice koje je koristio. Čak ni banka u početku nije podigla ove iznose. Međutim, juče su me pozvali iz banke i obavestili me da su primetili neke sumnjive aktivnosti i zatražili od mene da potvrdim. Nisam prepoznao ove optužbe.
onda sam otišao kući i pitao porodicu da li je neko koristio moju karticu za ove transakcije. U početku moj brat nije ništa priznao, ali nakon što me je video pod stresom, došao je čisto i sve objasnio.
Zatim sam ažurirao banku i rekli su mi da pokušam da to rešim sa samim trgovcima. Ono što je smešno je to što se sve ove transakcije koje je izvršio u kazinu pojavljuju u mojoj banci kao legitiman posao pod različitim poslovnim imenima, stoga nije otkrivena nikakva sumnjiva aktivnost.
Poslao sam e-poštu kazinu i takođe podneo ovu žalbu ovde. Nadam se da ćemo svi to moći da rešimo i vratimo novac. Takođe sam bio šokiran što je kazino odobrio toliko depozita bez ikakve potvrde lične karte. U prilogu se nalaze odredbe i uslovi u kojima se izričito navodi da je ID verifikovan nakon kreiranja naloga što nije urađeno, što je šokantno i tek sada učim o ovim različitim zakonima o kockanju za različite oblasti, mislio sam da je gamstop samo jedna celina internet blok na sajtovima za kockanje.
bez obzira na to, sada sam zaglavljen usred ovoga kao žrtva sa svojom poslovnom ušteđevinom izgubljenom zbog prevare i moram da odvojim vreme iz svog užurbanog života da to popravim. Ljut sam, šokiran, uznemiren i još mnogo toga. Nikada ranije nisam osetio ovoliko emocija.
Hi , thanks for the quick reply.
I want to firstly say thank you for having this platform, I don’t really know much about online gambling and the resources available but i’m glad i came across this website.
Just to provide a bit of context, a year ago I became aware of my brother’s problem from family members. I never knew he gambled before this as we were never brought up with anyone that gambled. He had eventually confessed to the large amounts of debts he had accumulated and the numerous lies he had told. He was facing severe depression and turned to me for support.
i had enrolled him to a therapist and I believe he was doing something similar to AA meetings, maybe gamble’s anonymous i think it’s called or something along them lines.
I thought that it had finally come to an end as after a few months he had told myself and my family that he had a gamstop ban in place and also he was told by his therapist or sponsor or someone that he was no longer able to handle money and that he had to nominate someone to look after his money. Apparently this is part of the 12 steps or something along the lines but it made sense, if he didn’t have a card and online banking then quite literally he can’t do any betting online. So it’s been about 6 months now where i have looked after his money, his wages come in to my bank account and if he needs any cash or make payments, he asks me and i do them on his behalf.
At this point, I was finally satisfied that his gambling problem had all been resolved and i was happy with the progress he had made.
Approximately 3 months ago he was made redundant and has been unemployed since. I had tried to help him get back on his feet but I noticed his depressed attitude come back but didn’t really bring this up.
Apologies for the long back story but i hope this helps all parties understand the situation. Now here’s the issue, over the past month there has been multiple £200-300 transactions to different companies. This didn’t raise any flags and i did not notice this as my business cashflows run through the cards he had used. Even the bank did not initially raise these. However, yesterday i was called by the bank informing me that they had noticed some suspicious activities and asked me to confirm. I did not recognise these charges.
i then went home and asked the family if anyone had used my card for these transactions. At first my brother did not admit anything but after seeing me stressed out, he came clean and explained everything.
i then updated the bank and they told me to try to resolve this with the merchants themselves. Now the funny thing is, all these transactions that he had made to the casino show up in my bank as legitimate business under different business names hence why no suspicious activity was detected.
i have emailed the casino and also raised this complaint here. I hope we can all get this resolved and refunded. I was also shocked that the casino approved so many deposits without any id confirmation. The attachment is there terms and conditions where it explicitly states that id is verified upon account creation which has not been done, which is shocking and i am only just learning now about these different gambling laws for different areas, I thought gamstop was just a whole internet block on gambling sites.
regardless, I’m now stuck in the middle of this as a victim with my business savings lost to fraud and having to take time out of my busy life to fix these. I am angry, shocked, upset and so much more. I’ve never felt this much emotions before.
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