Igrač iz Njemačke ima problema s povlačenjem zbog nepotpune verifikacije. Primljeno je.
Od 7. novembra 21. tri su isplate koje treba obraditi. Direktno 7. novembra primio sam e-mail u kojem su tražena moja dokumenta (KYC). Poslao sam ovo odmah 7. novembra. Do danas, moj račun nije verifikovan i moja povlačenja nisu obrađena. Višestruki kontakti sa live chatom i podrškom samo su značili da sam odgođen i da bih trebao pričekati.
Since November 7th, 21 there are three payouts to be processed. Directly on November 7th I received an email in which my documents (KYC) were requested. I sent this immediately on November 7th. To date, my account has not been verified and my withdrawals have not been processed. Multiple contact to the live chat and support only meant that I was put off and should please wait.
Seit dem 07.11.21 stehen drei Auszahlungen zur Bearbeitung. Direkt am 7.11 habe ich eine Email bekommen in denen meine Dokumente (KYC) angefordert wurden . Diese habe ich sofort noch am 7.11 gesendet. Mein Konto wurde bis heute nicht verifiziert und meine Auszahlungen nicht bearbeitet. Mehrfacher Kontakt zum live chat und Support brachte nur, dass ich weiter vertröstet wurde und bitte warten solle .
Dragi Jonas,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Shvatite da je KYC veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku.
Koje ste dokumente već dostavili? Jeste li ranije izvršili uspješna povlačenja?
Osim toga, ako postoji bilo kakva relevantna komunikacija između vas i kazina, proslijedite je na kristina.s@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Jonas,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please understand KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner.
Which documents have you already provided? Have made any successful withdrawals before?
Additionally, if there is any relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to kristina.s@casino.guru.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Povlačenja na čekanju su prva povlačenja na scatters.com.
Scatters već ima dokaz adrese, moju ličnu kartu, platni list za posljednja 3 mjeseca plus screenshotove mog internet bankarstva sa pristiglom platom. Kada je scatter.com ponovo pitao, poslao sam i kompletan izvod računa od 1.8.21 do 24.11.21 sacttersu. Kada su scatteri ponovo upitani, objasnio sam 8 transakcija sa ovog izvoda računa. (od njih 7 sa objašnjenjem i jedan sa snimkom ekrana mog internet bankarstva). U međuvremenu moja adresa, moj račun i moja lična karta su prihvaćeni, ali moj dokaz o prihodu (izvor bogatstva) još nije obrađen i moja uplata je sada neobrađena 23 dana. Mogu vam poslati kompletnu prepisku, ali trenutno postoje 43 mejla
The pending withdrawals are the first withdrawals at scatters.com.
Scatters already has proof of address, my identity card, pay slip for the last 3 months plus screenshots of my online banking with the incoming salary. When scatters.com asked again, I also sent a complete account statement from 1.8.21 to 24.11.21 to sactters. When scatters asked again, I explained 8 transactions from this account statement. (7 of them with an explanation and one with a screenshot of my online banking). In the meantime my address, my account and my identity card have been accepted but my proof of income (source of wealth) has not yet been processed and my payment has now been unprocessed for 23 days. I can send you the complete correspondence, but currently there are 43 emails
Die ausstehenden Auszahlungen sind die ersten Auszahlungen bei scatters.com .
Scatters hat bereits einen adressnachweis , meinen Personalausweis, Gehaltsabrechnung der letzten 3 Monate plus Screenshots meines onlinebankings mit den gehaltseingängen ersichtlich. Auf erneutes Nachfragen von scatters.com habe ich zusätzlich einen kompletten Kontoauszug vom 1.8.21 bis 24.11.21 an sactters gesendet. Auf erneutes Nachfragen von scatters habe ich dann aus diesem Kontoauszug 8 Transaktionen erläutert . ( 7 davon durch eine Erklärung und eine durch einen Screenshot meines onlinebankings ). In der Zwischenzeit wurden meine Adresse, mein Konto und mein Personalausweis akzeptiert aber mein Einkommensnachweis ( source of wealth) wurde bisher nicht bearbeitet und so steht meine Auszahlung nun seit 23 Tagen unbearbeitet. Ich kann Ihnen gern den kompletten Schriftverkehr zukommen lassen jedoch handelt es sich dabei aktuell um 43 Emails
Hvala vam puno na odgovoru, jonasdoderlein. 43 e-maila je dosta za proći i bojim se da nemamo kapacitet da pročitamo cijelu komunikaciju. Možda biste mi mogli poslati samo one za koje mislite da su najvažniji?
Thank you very much for your reply, jonasdoderlein. 43 e-mails is a lot to go through and I'm afraid we don't have the capacity to read the whole communication. Maybe you could only send me the ones you think are most important?
Puno vam hvala jonasdoderlein na odgovoru. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Vilijamu koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much jonasdoderlein for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
zdravo jonasdoderlein,
Pogledao sam Vašu žalbu i dat ću sve od sebe da Vam pomognem. Želio bih da pozovem Scatters Casino u ovaj razgovor. Kazino, možete li molim vas da navedete u čemu je problem sa povlačenjem igrača?
Hello jonasdoderlein,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Scatters Casino into this conversation. Casino, can you please specify what is the problem with the player’s withdrawal?
Dobro jutro tebi Jonas,
Puno vam hvala što ste odvojili vrijeme da nas kontaktirate, izuzetno mi je žao što čujem za takvo kašnjenje.
Proučit ću vaš slučaj kao prioritet i danas ću vam u nekoj fazi pružiti ažurirane informacije.
Molim vas ponovo prihvatite moje najskromnije izvinjenje, 43 emaila NIJE nešto što bi trebalo očekivati prije rješenja.
Cijenim vaše vrijeme i strpljenje do sada po ovom pitanju, pokupiću ovo kao hitno.
U međuvremenu vam želim ugodan dan, radujem se skoroj komunikaciji s vama.
Sve najbolje,
A very good morning to you Jonas,
Thank you very much for taking the time to contact us, I am extremely sorry to hear of such a delay.
I will be looking into your case as a priority, and will provide an update for you today at some stage.
Please again accept my humblest apologies, 43 emails is NOT something that should be expected before a resolution.
I appreciate your time and patience so far in this matter, I will pick this up as urgent.
Wishing you a pleasant day in the meantime, I look forward to communicating with you soon.
Best wishes,
Ako je moj račun sada verificiran i moja povlačenja se obrađuju direktno, problem bi bio odmah riješen. Do sada je to samo zbog nepotvrđene provjere, koja se odugovlači već 25 dana
If my account is verified now and my withdrawals are processed directly, the problem would be solved immediately. So far it was only due to the unconfirmed verification, which has been dragging on for 25 days
Sollte mein Konto jetzt verifiziert werden und meine Auszahlungen direkt bearbeitet werden dann wäre das Problem sofort gelöst . Bisher lag es nur an der nicht bestätigten Verifizierung, welche sich seit 25 Tagen in die Länge zieht
Upravo sam stupio u kontakt sa živom podrškom scatera da pitam da li su moja dokumenta, koja sam poslala 30. novembra, prihvaćena. Onda su mi rekli da su mi jučer poslali mejl i da li sam ga već pročitao. Provjerio sam svoj račun e-pošte i nisam primio nikakvu e-poštu. Nakon što je zaposlenik postavio mail u historiji ćaskanja, vidio sam da je isti email kao prije 4 dana, na koji sam istog dana odgovorio sa traženim dokumentima. Tako da mi je obećano još jedno ažuriranje u toku dana
I just got in touch with the live support of scatters to ask if my documents, which I sent on November 30th, were accepted. Then they said they had sent me an email yesterday and whether I had already read it. I checked my email account and did not receive any email. After the email was posted by the employee in the chat history, I saw that it was the same email as 4 days ago, to which I replied with the requested documents on the same day. So I was promised another update in the course of the day
Ich habe mich soeben mit dem live Support von scatters in Verbindung gesetzt um zu fragen ob meine Dokumente, welche ich am 30.11 gesendet habe akzeptiert wurden. Daraufhin hieß es man hätte mir gestern eine Email gesendet und ob ich diese schon gelesen hätte .Habe Email Account kontrolliert und keine Email erhalten . Nachdem die Email vom Mitarbeiter in den chatverlauf geposted wurde habe ich gesehen das es die gleiche Email war wie vor 4 Tagen, auf welche ich mit den angeforderten Dokumenten am selben Tag noch geantwortet habe . Also Mir wurde ein weiteres Update versprochen im Laufe des Tages
Ne dobijam nikakve korisne odgovore od kazina. Samo standardni odgovori da će biti proslijeđeno i da čekam, molim. Bilo kakva obećanja koja mi je kazino do sada dao, bilo da su obećanja o ažuriranjima ili da je moj račun verifikovan ili da će moja isplata biti obrađena sutra, nisu bila tačna. Nijedno obećanje nije održano. Samo sam odložen i odložen. Nema napretka uprkos ponovljenim obećanjima da će se to dogoditi sljedećeg dana.
I don't get any useful answers from the casino. Only standard answers that it will be forwarded and that I should wait, please. Any promises the casino has given me so far, whether promises about updates or that my account is verified or that my payout will be processed tomorrow, were not correct. No promise was kept. I'm just put off and put off. No progress despite repeated promises that it will happen the next day.
Ich bekomme keine brauchbare Antworten vom casino . Nur Standard Antworten das es weiter geleitet wird und ich bitte warten soll . Jegliche Versprechen die das casino mir bisher gegeben hat , egal ob versprechen über Updates oder das mein Konto verifiziert ist oder dass meine Auszahlung bearbeitet wird morgen stimmten nicht. Kein Versprechen wurde gehalten. Ich werde nur vertröstet und hingehalten . Kein Fortschritt trotz mehrmaligem Versprechen das es am nächsten Tag passiert.
Dobar dan tebi Jonas,
Hvala vam puno na strpljenju dok sam istraživao ovaj slučaj, izvinjavam se na kašnjenju, morali smo da istražimo zastoje sa AML-om.
Kašnjenje je uzrokovano dokumentom za koji je traženo da nije na odgovarajući način potpisan, međutim mi smo sada uspjeli da sarađujemo sa AML timom i uspjeli smo dati rješenje za ovo.
Kao takva, vaša sredstva se sada obrađuju, a sredstva biste trebali vidjeti kod vas za 1-3 radna dana.
Još jednom se iskreno izvinjavam, trenutno radimo na reviziji procesa, međutim ovo neće biti promjena preko noći, kada se završi obuka i osoblje, trebali bismo gledati na racionalizaciju vremena čekanja i obezbjeđivanje bržeg, više efikasan proces za sve naše igrače.
Ako imate bilo kakvih dodatnih problema, ne oklijevajte da mi se javite i ja ću to ispitati umjesto vas.
Želim vam divnu sedmicu pred nama,
Good afternoon to you Jonas,
Many thanks for your patience whilst I have looked into this case, apologies for the delay, we had to investigate the hold up with AML.
The delay was caused by a document which was requested as not being signed appropriately, however we have now managed to work with the AML team and have been ale to provide a resolution to this.
As such, your funds are now being processed, and you should see the funds with you in 1- 3 working days.
My sincerest apologies once again, we are currently undertaking an overhaul of the process, however this is not going to be an overnight change, once the training and staffing are complete we should be looking at streamlining the waiting times, and providing a quicker, more efficient process for all our players.
Should you have any further issues, please do not hesitate to drop me a line and I will look into the matter for you.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead,
Prije otprilike sat vremena odbili ste jedan moj dokument jer nije potpisan. Odmah sam vam organizovao (potpisao) ispravan dokument iz moje banke i poslao vam ga
About an hour ago you rejected one of my documents because it was not signed. I immediately organized (signed) the correct document for you from my bank and sent it to you
Ihr habt vor ca einer Stunde eines meiner Dokument abgelehnt weil es nicht unterschrieben war. Ich habe euch sofort das richtige Dokument von meiner Bank organisiert ( unterschrieben) und an euch geschickt
Primio sam e-mail da su moja povlačenja obrađena. Ja ću vas kontaktirati kada dobijem novac
I received an email that my withdrawals have been processed. I will contact you when I have received the money
Ich habe eine Email bekommen das meine Auszahlungen bearbeitet wurden . Ich werde mich melden wenn ich das Geld erhalten habe
Novac je upravo stigao. To bi riješilo slučaj. Veliko hvala na podršci cijelom casinoguru timu.
Money has just arrived. That would settle the case. Many thanks for the support to the whole casinoguru team.
Geld ist soeben angekommen . Damit wäre der Fall geklärt. Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung an das ganze casinoguru-team.
Dragi jonasdoderlein,
Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Gurua. Drago nam je čuti da je vaš problem riješen. Sada ćemo to označiti kao 'riješeno' u našem sistemu. Molimo, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas u budućnosti, ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Mi smo tu da pomognemo, ali se nadam da se više nećete susresti sa ovakvim problemom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Viliam Casino.Guru
Dear jonasdoderlein,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. We are glad to hear that your issue got resolved. We will now mark it as 'resolved' in our system. Please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help, but I hope you won’t come across a problem like this again.
Best regards,
Viliam Casino.Guru
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