An Australian player had been given a ten dollar bonus but later discovered that, despite accumulating up to $1100 in winnings, he was not permitted to withdraw the funds. We had reached out to the player to gather more information, however, the player did not respond to our messages and questions. Consequently, we were unable to investigate further and were forced to reject the complaint.
Jedan australijski igrač je dobio bonus od deset dolara, ali je kasnije otkrio da, uprkos tome što je akumulirao do 1100 dolara u dobicima, nije dozvoljeno da povuče sredstva. Kontaktirali smo igrača da prikupimo više informacija, međutim, igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Shodno tome, nismo bili u mogućnosti da dalje istražujemo i bili smo primorani da odbijemo žalbu.
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