Poštovani, 10. avgusta 2023. godine registrovao sam nalog u Vavada kazinu. Dok sam se registrovao, nisu me pitali o zemlji u kojoj živim. Uplatio sam mnogo depozita na njihovoj veb stranici, ukupno najmanje 2.000 dolara.
Dana 17/03/2024, ušao sam u svoj profil, ali nisam našao ime svoje zemlje. Poslao sam im e-poštu u vezi sa ovim pitanjem, ali su mi odgovorili „možete izabrati bilo koju zemlju, nije važno !!!".
Danas sam pokušavao da se prijavim, ali sam dobio poruku: „zabranjeno". Otišao sam da vidim njihove uslove i odredbe i otkrio sam da igram iz zabranjene zemlje! Ovo je napisano u njihovim uslovima i odredbama 4.4, a imam i snimak ekrana.
Iako sam ih ranije pitao, ali oni su rekli „možete izabrati bilo koju zemlju koja vam odgovara"!
Ne znam zašto vam daju mogućnost da izaberete zemlju na kojoj se ne sme igrati.
oni su uzeli preko 2.000 dolara od mene, protivno svojim Uslovima i odredbama. Nisu mi trebali dozvoliti da se registrujem ili čak da ne dozvole transakcije.
Tražio sam od njih da mi vrate depozite, ali su odbili. Po mom mišljenju, ovo nije fer i nije tačno, nije im bilo dozvoljeno da me prihvate KAO Igrača niti da prihvate moje depozite.
Molim vas, da li možete da mi pomognete?
Dear Team, on the 10th Of August 2023 I registered an Account at Vavada Casino. While registering, I was not asked about the country I live in. I made many deposit at their website, a total of minimum $2,000.
On 17/03/2024 , I entered my profile but did not find my country name. So I sent them an email regarding this issue but they replied saying " you can choose any country, it does not matter !!!".
Today i was trying to log in but i got a message saying:" forbidden". So i went to see their terms and conditions and found out that i was playing from a restricted country ! This is written in their terms and conditions 4.4 , and I also have a screenshot .
Although i asked them before but they said" you can choose any country that suits"!
I don't know why they give you the possibility to choose a land which is not allowed to play.
they did Take over $2,000 from me, against their own Terms and conditions. They should not have allowed me to Register or even Not allowed the Transactions.
I asked them to refund my deposits but they refused . In my mind, this is unfair and Not correct, they were Not allowed to accept me AS a Player neither to accept my deposits.
Can you Help me please?
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