Mnogo je stvari koje odvajaju najbolje kockarnice od ostatka konkurencije. Jedan od tih faktora je i cjelokupno korisničko iskustvo, uključujući i je li kasino siguran. Prema našem mišljenju, dobro korisničko iskustvo znači da igrači ne trebaju čitati T-C (zapravo nitko to ne radi, možda s izuzetkom nekih lovaca na bonuse) i mogu se osloniti na činjenicu da će s njima biti pošteno postupano. Prema našem mišljenju, sigurnost znači da nije lako slučajno učiniti nešto što će poništiti vašu zaradu.
Razumijemo da moraju postojati pravila koja se primjenjuju na bonuse. U suprotnom, bilo bi ih zaista lako zloupotrijebiti. Ali vjerujemo da ova pravila treba provoditi softverom, tako da ih igrači ne mogu slučajno prekršiti. Samo zato što kockarnice to nisu tako jednostavne, a gotovo nijedan casino to trenutno ne čini (nadamo se da će se to promijeniti u budućnosti), ne kažnjavamo kockarnice zbog toga što nemaju ovu značajku. Međutim, s druge strane očekujemo da će najbolje kockarnice pojedinačno pregledati svaki slučaj u kojem je ovo pravilo možda prekršeno iskrenom greškom.
U ovom konkretnom slučaju, problem je što je igrač uzeo drugi bonus prije nego što je povukao dobitak od prethodnog. Radeći to, prekršio je pravilo da zabranjuje dva dodatna bonusa u isto vrijeme, a također i pravilo da zabranjuje uzimanje bonusa bez depozita, a preostali ne-nulirani saldo.
U ovom slučaju želimo naglasiti tri točke:
1. Kladionica je već bila završena.
2. Igrač svojim postupcima nije mogao dobiti bilo kakvu prednost nad kazinom. Nema ničega što bi mogao dobiti prijavom za još jedan bonus prije nego što povuče sav preostali saldo.
3. Činjenica da se bonus završava kada igrač unovči, a ne kada se oklada završi, kontra je intuitivno. To bi moglo imati smisla za ljepljive bonuse (gdje se na kraju odbije početni iznos). Ali ovdje je lako razumjeti da igrač možda misli da stari bonus više nije aktivan.
Zaključak je da je jasno da je igrač pogriješio pogrešku. I zbog toga nije imao nikakvu prednost u odnosu na kazino. Dakle, čak i ako postoji šansa da je casino u pravu iz čisto pravne perspektive, smatramo da je poništavanje dobitka jasno nepravedno.
Ako kazino odbije uzeti u obzir konkretne okolnosti ovog slučaja, može se postaviti pitanje da li oni zaista primjenjuju ovo pravilo da bi se zaštitili ili je to samo izgovor da ne isplati dobitak. Čak i ako nema loših pojačanja, još uvijek smatramo da je svaki casino koji se ponaša ovako nesiguran za igrače i morat ćemo smanjiti njegov rejting. Zbog toga želimo još jednom zamoliti predstavnike kasina Fair Go da razmotre svoj položaj.
There are many things that separate best casinos from rest of the competition. One of these factors is the overall user experience, including whether the casino is safe. In our view, a good user experience means that players don’t need to read the full T&Cs (in fact nobody does that, maybe with the exception of some bonus hunters) and can rely on the fact that they’ll be treated fairly. In our view, safety means that it’s not easy to accidentally do something that will cancel your winnings.
We understand that there must be rules that apply to bonuses. Otherwise, it would be really easy to abuse them. But we believe these rules should be enforced by software, so that players can’t break them accidentally. Only because this isn’t that easy for casinos to do and almost no casino does this at the moment (we hope this will change in the future), we don’t penalize casinos for not having this feature. However, on the other hand, we expect the best casinos to individually look at every case where this rule may have been broken by an honest mistake.
In this particular case, the problem is that the player took another bonus before he withdrew winnings from the previous one. By doing this, he broke the rule that forbids having two bonuses active at the same time and also the rule that forbids taking a no deposit bonus while having a non-zero remaining balance.
We would like to emphasize three points in this case:
1. Wagering was already completed.
2. Player couldn’t get any advantage over the casino by his actions. There is nothing he could gain by applying for another bonus before withdrawing all of the remaining balance.
3. The fact that bonus ends when the player cashes out and not when wagering is completed is counter intuitive. It might make sense for sticky bonuses (where the initial bonus amount is deducted at the end). But here it’s easy to understand that the player may think the old bonus is no longer active.
The conclusion is that it’s clear that player made an honest mistake. And he didn’t get any advantage over casino because of it. So, even if there is chance that the casino is right from a purely legal perspective, we consider voiding the winnings co be clearly unfair.
If the casino refuses to take specific circumstances of this case into consideration, it may raise the question whether they really apply this rule to protect themselves, or whether it’s just an excuse to not pay out the winnings. Even if there are no bad intensions, we still consider any casino that acts like this to be unsafe for players and we’ll have to decrease its rating. Therefore, we would like to ask Fair Go casino representatives once more to reconsider their position.
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