Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 15/09/2023
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The player from the United States won over $4,000 but the winnings were confiscated by the casino. The site accused the player of combining comp points with a deposit, which the player denies, arguing that the deposit had no bonus attached. The player further stated that they played the comp points down to zero before the deposit was added to their account. The casino provided sufficient eveidence to support their claims, so the complaint was eventually rejected.
Igrač iz Sjedinjenih Država je osvojio preko 4.000 dolara, ali je dobitak zaplenjen od strane kazina. Sajt je optužio igrača da kombinuje komp poene sa depozitom, što igrač poriče, tvrdeći da depozit nije imao bonus. Igrač je dalje izjavio da je igrao komp poene na nulu pre nego što je depozit dodat na njihov račun. Kazino je pružio dovoljno dokaza da potkrepi njihove tvrdnje, tako da je žalba na kraju odbijena.
OVO JE NAJODVORNIJI SAJT KOJI JE IKAD IMAO. Osvojio sam preko 4.000 dolara na ovom sajtu i nadoknadio SVE, rekavši da sam kombinovao svoje komp poene sa depozitom (depozit koji nije imao BONUS). Imam sve snimke ekrana da to dokažem. Iznos komp poena iznosio je 2 dolara. Igrao sam sa njima čekajući da moj depozit prođe - bili su nulirani pre nego što sam uopšte odigrao svoj depozit (to je još jednom - došlo bez bonusa!!) NE IGRAJTE OVDE!!
THIS IS THE MOST DISGUSTING SITE IVE EVER DEALT WITH. I won over 4,000 dollars on this site and the recouped ALL OF IT, saying that I combined my comp points along with a deposit (a deposit that had NO BONUS attached). I have all of the screenshots to prove this. The amount of comp points amounted to $2. I was playing them waiting for my deposit to go through - they were zeroed out before I even played my deposit (that once again - came with no bonus!!) DO NOT PLAY HERE!!
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Možete li molim vas da prosledite svoju istoriju igre i blagajne zajedno sa relevantnom komunikacijom na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear romanicincu,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Could you please forward your game and cashier histories along with any relevant communication to
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Netačno Limitless, igrao sam kroz mizernih 2 $ u komp poenima pre nego što je moj depozit uopšte dodat. Potražio sam i odigrao komp poene čekajući da se moj bitkoin depozit pojavi. Dokazao bih to sa zapisnikom igre, ali vaš sumnjivi sajt to ne nudi. Nikada nisam trebao da položim depozit kod tebe, nisam znao da NISU LICENCIRANI sve do nakon ovog incidenta. NIKADA VIŠE NEĆE NAPRAVITI TU GREŠKU!!
Incorrect Limitless, I played through the measly $2 in comp points before my deposit was even added. I claimed and played the comp points waiting for my bitcoin deposit to show up. I’d prove this with a game log but your shady freaking site doesn’t provide those. I should’ve never deposited with you, I never knew you ARE’NT LICENSED until after this incident. WILL NEVER MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN!!
Vidim. Ako vaša istorija igara nije dostupna, možete li proslediti snimak ekrana vaše istorije blagajnika zajedno sa relevantnom komunikacijom?
I see. If your game history isn't available, could you please forward a screenshot of your cashier history along with any relevant communication, please?
Poslao sam dva zasebna e-poruka na vašu adresu e-pošte, ali ću vam dati i snimke ekrana ovde. Što se tiče evidencije blagajne, bezgranični kazino čak i ne nudi tu opciju. Što mi govori da će sve što vam pruže verovatno biti ispravljeno/promenjeno.
I sent forwarded two separate emails to your email address but I will also provide screenshots on here. As for the cashier log, limitless casino doesn’t even offer the option. Which tells me whatever they provide to you would likely be doctored/altered.
Hvala puno, romanicincu, što si dao sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Adamu ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, romanicincu, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Adam ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da vidim da li mogu da pomognem.
Pozivamo Limitless Casino da se pridruži razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi Limitless Casino,
Igrač navodi da su komp poeni uzeti i odigrani pre nego što je uplaćen depozit. Možete li, molim vas, da dostavite dnevnike igrača kako bi se mogli pregledati? Mogu se poslati na moju e-poštu, _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk .
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello romanicincu,
I have reviewed your case and will contact the casino to see if I can help.
We would like to invite Limitless Casino to join the conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Limitless Casino,
The player states that the comp points were claimed and played before the deposit was made. Can you please provide the player's logs so that they can be reviewed? They can be sent to my e-mail,
Imajte na umu da smo pregledali nalog igrača i utvrdili sledeće.
26. jula, igrač je deponovao 208,85 dolara koristeći Bitcoin u 22:36:12, po vremenu u kazinu. U 22:36:43, po vremenu u kazinu, igrač je nastavio da traži Comp poene u vrednosti od 4,38 dolara, čime je ukupni bilans igrača na 213,47 dolara, zbog prethodnog bilansa od 0,24 dolara.
Pogledajte snimak ekrana ispod koji potvrđuje da je akciju pokrenuo igrač.
Prema uslovima i odredbama Limitless kazina, na koje se svi igrači slažu prilikom registracije, igraču je dozvoljeno da napravi novi depozit, zatraži bonus ili iskoristi komp poene samo kada je stanje na njegovom/njenom računu ispod 1,00 USD.
d. „Osim ako nije drugačije navedeno, igrač ima pravo na samo jednu promociju u tom trenutku."
f. „Osim ako nije drugačije navedeno, nije dozvoljeno kombinovati promocije.
j." Igrač razume da da bi zatražio bilo koji kupon, besplatnu promociju ili izvršio novi depozit, igrač treba da igra kroz trenutni depozit, bonus ili besplatnu promociju, a stanje na nalogu igrača mora biti ispod $/€/ 1 AUD ."
Pored toga, Uslovi za korišćenje Comp poena mogu se naći na stranici Nagrade na našoj zvaničnoj veb stranici.
Nažalost, pošto je igrač prekršio navedena pravila, dobici koji su stečeni su poništeni i prvobitni depozit igrača je vraćen.
Nadamo se da je dato objašnjenje dovoljno jasno i razumljivo. Ukoliko su vam potrebne dodatne informacije, ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Lucas Bellingham
Neograničeno upravljanje kazinom
Hello romanicincu,
Hello Adam,
I hope that you are well and safe.
Please note that we have reviewed the player's account and determined the following.
On July 26th, the player deposited $208.85 using Bitcoin at 22:36:12, Casino time. At 22:36:43, Casino time, the player proceeded to claim Comp points in value of $4.38 bringing the player's total balance to $213.47, due to previous balance of $0.24.
Please see the screenshot below that confirms that the action was initiated by the player.
According to the Terms & Conditions of Limitless Casino, to which all players agree upon signup, a player is allowed to make a new deposit, claim a bonus or redeem comp points only when the balance on his/her account is under $1.00.
d. "Unless stated otherwise, a Player has the right to only one promotion at the time."
f. "Unless stated otherwise, it is not allowed to combine the promotions."
j. "The Player understands that in order to claim any coupon, free promotion, or make a new deposit, the Player needs to play through the current deposit, bonus or free promotion, and the balance on a Player's account must be below $/€/AUD 1."
Additionally, the Terms for Comp points redemption can be found on the Rewards page on our official website.
Unfortunately, as the player violated said rules, the winnings that were acquired were voided and the player's original deposit was reimbursed.
We hope that the explanation provided is clear and understandable enough. Should any additional information be required, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Prema dokazima koje je pružio kazino, prvo ste primili depozit na svoj račun, a zatim ste nastavili da iskoristite komp poene na ovom saldu. Onda ste se igrali sa ukupnim iznosom, da li je to tačno?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you for the explanation, Limitless Casino.
Dear romanicincu,
According to the evidence provided by the casino, you received the deposit in your account first and then proceeded to redeem the comp points on top of this balance. You have then played with the total amount, is that correct?
Ovo je apsolutna izmišljotina!! Je l' me zezaš!!! Iskupio sam komp poene i igrao kroz njih pre depozita NE POSLE! Sviđa mi se kako mi vaš sajt nije pružio ove informacije kao opciju za preuzimanje pre nego što sam ih zatražio! Da je bilo dostupno, mogao bih dokazati šta se zapravo dogodilo. ZAMISLI
This is an absolute fabrication!! Are you freaking kidding me!!! I redeemed the comp points and played through them prior to the deposit NOT AFTER! I like how your site didn’t provide this info to me as an option to download prior to me asking for it! If it was available I could have proved what actually happened. IMAGINE THAT
Molimo vas da pojasnite – izjavljujete da ste preuzeli komp poene i smanjili svoj balans na nulu pre nego što napravite depozit, da li je to tačno? Ako jeste, da li imate bilo kakvu evidenciju o tome kada ste položili depozit, možda istoriju transakcija iz vašeg novčanika?
Dragi Limitless Casino,
Takođe bi bilo od pomoći u ovom trenutku kada bismo mogli da vidimo istoriju igre/klađenja igrača, možete li da nam date ovo, molim vas?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you for your response, romanicincu.
Please clarify - you are stating that you claimed the comp points and played your balance down to zero before making the deposit, is that correct? If so, do you have any record of what time you placed the deposit, perhaps the transaction history from your wallet?
Dear Limitless Casino,
It would also be helpful at this point if we could see the gameplay/betting history of the player, can you provide this, please?
Oh, tako da mogu da obezbede istoriju klađenja nekom drugom (koja se može izmeniti ili izmisliti), ali je ne čine dostupnom igraču?? Zamisli
Oh so they can provide a betting history to someone else (which can be altered or fabricated) but they don’t make it available to the player?? Imagine that
Hvala na odgovoru. Razlog zašto vas molim da dostavite dokaze o predmetnoj transakciji je da bismo mogli da ga uporedimo sa onim što nam je poslao kazino i da vidimo da li se sve poklapa. Trenutno se čini da su sredstva pomešana i da ste počeli da igrate sa dva bilansa kao jedan, što izaziva probleme jer različite vrste fondova imaju različite uslove vezane za njih. Međutim, rekli ste da su komp poeni smanjeni na nulu pre dodavanja depozita, što bi promenilo situaciju. Da li možete da date informacije o tome u koje vreme je uplaćen depozit? Čak bi i ID transakcije pomogao jer ovo možemo da proverimo na blokčejnu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello romanicincu,
Thank you for your response. The reason I ask you to provide evidence of the transaction in question is so that we can compare it to what has been sent to us by the casino and see if everything matches up. Currently, it appears that the funds have been mixed and that you have begun playing with the two balances as one, which causes problems as the different types of funds have different conditions attached to them. However, you have stated that the comp points were played down to zero before the deposit was added, which would change the situation. Are you able to provide information regarding what time the deposit has been made? Even the transaction ID would help as we can check this on the blockchain.
Naveli ste da ste igrali komp poene pre nego što je depozit dodat na vaš balans, mogu li da vas pitam da li se sećate koje ste igre(e) igrali sa komp poenima? Da li ste igrali različite igre sa svojim depozitom?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello romanicincu,
You stated that you played the comp points before the deposit was added to your balance, can I ask you if you remember which game(s) you played with the comp points? Did you play different games with your deposit?
Možete li, molim vas, pojasniti kako se komp poeni prikazuju igraču? Da li se stanje dodaje saldu stvarnog novca ili se prikazuje kao poseban saldo?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you romanicincu.
Dear Limitless Casino,
Can you please clarify how the comp points are displayed to the player? Is the balance added to the real money balance, or displayed as a separate balance?
Na snimcima ekrana u nastavku možete videti kako je stanje komp poena igrača prikazano u odeljku Balans , kako igrač otkupljuje komp poene, a takođe i poruku koja se pojavljuje igraču kada se poeni iskoriste.
Verujemo da je igrač pravovremeno i potpuno obavešten da on, u stvari, igra sa komp poenima.
Obavestite nas ako su potrebne dodatne informacije.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Lucas Bellingham
Neograničeno upravljanje kazinom
Hello romanicincu,
Hello Adam.
In the screenshots below, you may see how the player's comp point balance is displayed in the Balance section, how the player redeems comp points, and also, the message that appears to the player once the points are redeemed.
We believe that a player is promptly and fully informed that he is, in fact, playing with comp points.
Please let us know if additional information is required.
Nakon interne rasprave o ovoj žalbi, odlučeno je da ne možemo dalje pomoći u ovom slučaju.
Iako cenim što ste izjavili da su komp poeni smanjeni na nulu pre nego što je depozit pripisan na vaš račun, svi dati dokazi sugerišu da su sredstva bila pomešana pre nego što su se opklade dogodile. Shodno tome, bilans se sastojao od sredstava iz više izvora koji su nosili različite uslove, a kazino postupa u skladu sa svojim uslovima i vraća vam vaš depozit.
Imajte na umu da možemo da izvršimo procenu samo na osnovu dokaza koji su dostupni, i iz tog razloga, žalba će sada biti odbijena. Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nisam mogao biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear romanicincu,
After discussing this complaint internally, it has been decided that we are unable to help any further with this case.
While I appreciate that you state the comp points were played down to zero before the deposit was credited to your account, all evidence provided suggests that the funds were mixed before any bets took place. Consequently, the balance consisted of funds from multiple sources that carried different conditions, and the casino is acting in accordance with its terms and conditions by returning your deposit to you.
Please understand that we can only make an assessment based on the evidence at hand, and for this reason, the complaint will now be rejected. I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Kind regards,
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