The player from Japan struggled with the KYC process, which had taken half a year to complete. Despite having finished all required steps, his withdrawal was still not authorized, and he had not received any help from support. The Complaints Team attempted to gather additional information to assist him, but the player did not respond to the inquiries. As a result, the complaint was rejected due to lack of engagement.
Igrač iz Japana se mučio sa KIC procesom, za koji je trebalo pola godine. Uprkos tome što je završio sve potrebne korake, njegovo povlačenje još uvek nije odobreno i nije dobio nikakvu pomoć od podrške. Tim za žalbe je pokušao da prikupi dodatne informacije kako bi mu pomogao, ali igrač nije odgovorio na upite. Kao rezultat toga, žalba je odbijena zbog nedostatka angažovanja.
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