Hej, Josef
Postoji mnogo razloga zašto su transakcije odbijene, a najčešći su:
1) Stanje igrača je niže od traženog iznosa za isplatu
2) PSP je odbio transakciju
3) Transakcija je odbijena zbog zahtjeva za dokumentom
4) Igrač je sam poništio zahtjev
Zbog toga smo pitali postoji li određeni ID transakcije da se navede konkretan razlog za odbijanje.
Zahtjev za primjenom limita operater podrške nije dostavio izvršitelju. To je razlog.
Ukoliko vam zatreba još informacija - rado ćemo vam pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hey, Josef
There are many reasons why the transactions were rejected, the most common ones are:
1) The player's balance got lower than the requested withdrawal amount
2) The transaction was declined by the PSP
3) The transaction was declined due to document request
4) Player cancelled the request on his own
That is why we asked if there was a specific transaction ID to provide a specific reason for decline.
The request to apply the limit was not delivered by the support operator to the executor. That is the reason.
Should you need any more info - we will be happy to assist.
Best regards
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