Povratio sam pristup novčaniku poverenja i imam više informacija koje mogu da pružim BC Game-u. Već sam kontaktirao BC Game podršku da osporim sve transakcije napravljene na njihovoj veb lokaciji, a oni nisu odgovorili. Ja nisam odobrio svaku izvršenu transakciju i BC Game je odbio da istraži ovu zabrinutost. Nadam se da će BC Games pokrenuti istragu u ime ove stvari.
Depoziti povezani sa mojim ličnim novčanikom: 0k664c13f15523ac151aC08A728d31F3b2C48D0491
E-pošta naloga:***** _KSKSKSKSKS_1@email.kkkkk
Adresa novčanika BC GAME: 0k3beddc2404fd216e6f5da7ed870e1b29dadd7dea
Prvi depozit 4. avgusta 2022. u 13:24 EST - u iznosu od 0,7 BNB
Poslednji depozit 19. avgusta 2022. u 6:30 EST - u iznosu od 3 BNB
*Postoji ukupno 75 transakcija između ovih novčanika. Ukupna BNB će biti određena od strane BC Game i vraćena u skladu sa tim.
*Izgleda da je postojala još jedna adresa novčanika za depozit povezan sa BC Game, informacije u nastavku:
E-pošta naloga: ****i_KSKSKSKSKS_1@email.kkkkk
Adresa novčanika BC GAME: 0k828e4C53211349125fd8004d4E4Bb85fCeaea733
Prvi depozit 15. septembra 2022. u 13:19 EST - u iznosu od 7 BNB.
Poslednji depozit 18. septembra 2022. u 10:45 EST - u iznosu od 3,6785554 BNB
Ukupna BNB će biti određena od strane BC Game i vraćena u skladu sa tim.
I regained access to trust wallet and have more information to provide to BC Game. I have already contacted BC Game support to dispute any and all transactions made with their website and they have not responded. Every transaction made was not authorized by me and BC Game has refused to investigate this concern. I am hoping for an investigation on BC Games behalf to solve this matter.
Deposits Associated with my Personal Wallet: 0x664c13f15523ac151aC08A728d31F3b2C48D0491
Account Email:*****der21x@yahoo.com
B.C. GAME Wallet Address: 0x3beddc2404fd216e6f5da7ed870e1b29dadd7dea
First Deposit on August 4th, 2022 at 1:24 PM EST - In the amount of 0.7 BNB
Last Deposit on August 19th, 2022 at 6:30 AM EST - In the amount of 3 BNB
*There are a total of 75 transactions between these wallets. Total BNB to be determined by B.C. Game and returned accordingly.
*Looks like there was another deposit wallet address associated with B.C. Game, information below:
Account Email: ****ider21x@yahoo.com
B.C. GAME Wallet Address: 0x828e4C53211349125fd8004d4E4Bb85fCeaea733
First Deposit on September 15, 2022 at 1:19 PM EST - In the amount of 7 BNB.
Last Deposit on September 18, 2022 at 10:45 AM EST - In the amount of 3.6785554 BNB
Total BNB to be determined by B.C. Game and returned accordingly.
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