Nik, hvala ti na odgovoru. Verifikovan sam kod Joo Casino-a već nekoliko meseci, mada ne mogu da se setim tačnog datuma. Bilo je to pre otprilike tri meseca. Poslednji bonus koji sam iskoristio bio je 'Shipvreck Treasure 19th Step', vredan 150 dolara za dostizanje nivoa 19. Kada sam se raspitivao o korišćenju bonusa i igri, spomenuli su 'Cash Pig', što nije bila igra u kojoj sam osvojio 50.000 dolara. Pobednička igra je bila 'Magic Spins'. Prvo sam ih kontaktirao 12. aprila, kada su me obavestili o kršenju njihovih uslova bonusa. Posle nekog vremena, 8. maja sam poslao još jedan mejl, izražavajući svoje nezadovoljstvo njihovom odlukom. Međutim, nisam dobio nikakvu dalju komunikaciju od njih.
Nick, thank you for your response. I've been verified with Joo Casino for several months now, though I can't recall the exact date. It was approximately three months ago. The last bonus I utilized was the 'Shipwreck Treasure 19th Step,' valued at $150 for reaching level 19. When I inquired about the bonus usage and game, they mentioned 'Cash Pig,' which wasn't the game where I won $50,000. The winning game was 'Magic Spins.' I initially contacted them on April 12th, when they informed me of a violation of their bonus terms. After some time, I followed up with another email on May 8th, expressing my dissatisfaction with their decision. However, I haven't received any further communication from them.
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