Registrovao sam se na Mr.bet sa svojim imejlom i imenom (to je traženo od njihovog sistema, ništa nije traženo). Deponovao i osvojio nešto novca. Sada imam više od 500 kanadskih dolara na računu. Tražili su od mene da verifikujem svoj nalog. Postavio sam sve potrebne dokumente na njihov sajt. Ali su blokirali pristup navodeći činjenicu da nisam uneo sve svoje podatke prilikom registracije. Njihov obrazac za registraciju ne traži takve informacije. Ako budem siguran da ću popuniti sve te podatke. Čak sam stavio pasoš pored lica tokom procesa. Danas sam zaključao moj nalog navodeći ovo pravilo "3.1.3. Morate da unesete sve obavezne informacije koje se traže u vaš obrazac za registraciju"
Ovo je smešno, jer ako bi ušao u svoj nalog, pružio bih te informacije i prošao KIC proces
E-mail od njih...
Hvala vam što ste kontaktirali Službu za podršku. Nedavno ste nas kontaktirali u vezi sa nalogom.
Razumemo vaša osećanja i situacija je toliko frustrirajuća, ali, nažalost, sistem je otkrio kršenje 3.1.3, a zatim je odgovarajuće odeljenje detaljno i pažljivo izvršilo istragu, nakon čega je kršenje potvrđeno. To znači da je nalog blokiran i da nema načina da se nastavi aktivnost igre.
Kao posledica toga, vaš nalog je zatvoren, a dobici su poništeni. Odluka je konačna, što znači da se ne može nastaviti verifikacija ili bilo koja druga aktivnost na nalogu.
Veoma nam je žao što ste se suočili sa takvom situacijom, ali nažalost, situacija se desila i ograničenja su primenjena.
Slobodno nas kontaktirajte ako imate još pitanja. Naš tim je uvek rado da vam pomogne!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Menadžer kluba za igre, Katalina
Hi there
I registered at Mr.bet with my email and name (that's what was requested from their system, nothing was requested). Deposited and won some money. I have now more than 500 canadian dollars on my account. They asked me to verify my account. I uploaded all the needed documents on their site. But they blocked access citing the fact that I did not enter all my details when registering. Their registering form do not ask for these kind of information. If asked for sure I will fill all that information. I even uploaded my passport next to my face during process. Today the locked my account citing this rule "3.1.3. You must enter all mandatory information requested into your registration form"
This is ridiculous because if they would me enter my account I would provide that information and pass the KYC process
The email from them...
Thank you for contacting the Support Service. Recently, you have contacted us about the account.
We understand your feelings and the situation is so frustrating, but, unfortunately, the system detected violation 3.1.3, and then the investigation was done by the appropriate department thoroughly and attentively, after which the violation was confirmed. It means that the account is blocked and there is no way to continue game activity.
As a consequence, your account has been closed and winnings have been voided. The decision is final, which means that no verification may be continued or any other activity in the account.
We are very sorry that you have faced such a situation, but unfortunately, the situation happened and the restrictions were applied.
Please feel free to contact us if there are any more questions. Our team is always glad to help you!
Best regards,
Manager of the game club, Catalina
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