Zdravo, i hvala vam puno što ste pružili ovu sjajnu uslugu!
Igrao sam na stake.com od 14. marta 2023. bez problema sve dok 14. maja ove godine nisam dobio e-poruku od Stake-a u kojoj je pisalo da je moj nalog privremeno suspendovan zbog sumnje na kršenje njihovih uslova korišćenja (prilog - imejl 1). Kontaktirao sam ulog da rešim ovo i obavešten sam da moram da verifikujem svoj nalog da bih mogao da nastavim da igram i podižem svoj novac na stake.com (prilog - imejl 2).
Sarađivao sam koliko sam mogao i obezbedio više dokumenata kao što su lična karta, selfi sa ličnom kartom, račun za komunalije za poslednja tri meseca, bankovni izvod koji je dokazivao uplatu i platne liste za poslednja tri meseca i bankovne izvode koji dokazuju da sam primao platu . Moja lična karta i selfi sa ličnom kartom su prihvaćeni, ali račune za komunalije nisam dobio. Nisam bio obavešten zašto. Platne liste nisu prihvaćene jer nisu bile overene i potpisane od strane mog poslodavca.
Prijavio sam se na stake.com 23. maja da bih postavio dodatne dokumente, ali me je njihova podrška uživo obavestila da moj nalog više nije u mogućnosti da bude verifikovan (prilog - live chat 1 i 2). Obavešten sam da mogu da kontaktiram " accounts@stake.com " za dalje informacije. Učinio sam to i obavešten sam da je moj nalog zabranjen zbog pokušaja verifikacije uređenih dokumenata. Ni pod kakvim okolnostima nisam uređivao nijedan dokument koji sam dao i srećan sam što ću dokazati svoju nevinost. Tražio sam dokaze o tome , ali mi je rečeno da mi ovo neće biti obezbeđeno.
Neke važne činjenice o mom nalogu:
– Nikada nisam uređivao nijedan dokument koji sam dao na proveru
- Imao sam stanje od otprilike 11 550 dolara (prilozi - stanje)
- Ukupno sam deponovao oko 38 000 dolara i povukao oko 8600 dolara ukupno. Nisam koristio nikakve bonuse dok sam igrao na stake.com
- Sarađivao sam koliko sam mogao da verifikujem svoj nalog i blagovremeno otpremio sva tražena dokumenta
-Igrao sam na kladionici, kao iu kazinu i kazinu uživo
Šta očekujem od stake.com:
Očekujem da stake.com pruži dokaze o dokumentima za koje kažu da sam uređivao kako bih imao priliku da dokažem svoju nevinost. Takođe očekujem da mi stake.com vrati ceo saldo od otprilike 11 550 dolara jer nisam uradio ništa loše. Takođe, uplatio sam mnogo više na svoj račun nego što sam povukao.
Zaista se nadam da ćete imati priliku da mi pomognete u ovom slučaju i molim vas da me obavestite ako postoji još informacija ili dokaza koji vam mogu pomoći u ovom slučaju. Hvala puno.
Hi, and thank you so much for providing this great service!
I had been playing on stake.com since 14. of March 2023 without a problem until I received an email from stake on the 14. of May this year saying that my account was temporarily suspended for a suspected breach of their terms of service (attachment - email 1). I contacted stake to resolve this and was informed that I needed to verify my account to able to continue playing and withdraw my money at stake.com (attachment - email 2).
I co-operated to the best of my ability and provided multiple documents like ID, selfie with ID, utility bill for the last three months, bank statement that proved the payments and payslips for the last three months and bank statements proving me receiving my salary. My ID and selfie with ID was accepted, but I did not get the utility bills accepted. I was not informed why. The payslips were not accepted because they were not stamped and signed by my employer.
I logged on to stake.com on the 23. of May to upload additional documents, but was informed by their live support that my account was no longer able to be verified (attachment - live chat 1 and 2). I was informed that I could contact "accounts@stake.com" for further information. I did so and was informed that my account was banned for attempting to verify edited documents. Under no circumstance have I ever edited any document I have provided and I am happy to prove my innocence. I asked for evidence of this, but was told that I would not be provided this.
Some important facts about my account:
- I have never edited any of the documents I provided for verification
- I had a balance of approximately 11 550 dollars (attachments - balance)
- I have deposited approximately 38 000 dollars in total and withdrawn approximately 8600 dollars in total. I have not used any bonuses while playing on stake.com
- I co-operated to the best of my ability to verify my account and uploaded all requested documents in a timely manner
-I have played on the sportsbook as well as in the casino and live casino section
What I expect from stake.com:
I expect stake.com to provide evidence of the documents they say I have edited so I have the opportunity to prove my innocence. I also expect stake.com to refund my whole balance of approximately 11 550 dollar to me because I have not done anything wrong, Also, I have deposited way more to my account then I have withdrawn.
I really hope you have the opportunity to help me on this case and please let me know if there is any more information or evidence that can help you in this case. Thanks a lot.
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