Igrač iz Njemačke nije mogao pristupiti svom računu nekoliko dana. Problem je uspješno riješen i sredstva su uplaćena.
Deponovao sam i igrao nekoliko dana. Sada imam nešto više od 400 kredita i više ne mogu da se registrujem. Sve što čet kaže...podesite VPN, itd. Uradio sam. Svaki put kada pokušate da se prijavite, dobijate 403 i Zabranjeno. Nisam dobio odgovor na support@wildcasino.com nekoliko dana. Preklinjem vas, molim vas da mi platite novac. Ništa, bez odgovora.
I deposited and played for several days. Now I have a little over 400 credits and can no longer register. Everything the chat says...set up a VPN, etc. I've done. Every time you try to log in, you get a 403 and Forbidden. I haven't received an answer via support@wildcasino.com for several days. I'm begging, please pay my money. Nothing, no answer.
Ich habe eingezahlt und mehrere Tage gespielt. Jetzt habe ich etwas über 400 Guthaben und kann mich nicht mehr anmelden. Alles was der Chat sagt...VPN einrichten, usw. habe ich getan. Es kommt bei jedem Anmeldungsversuch die 403 und Forbidden. Über den support@wildcasino.com bekomme ich schon mehrer Tage keine Antwort. Ich bettele, bitte zahlt mein Geld aus. Nichts, keine Antwort.
Zdravo Michi123,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo. Da li ste akumulirali svoje dobitke sa ili bez aktivnog bonusa? Možete li, molim vas, postaviti ovdje snimak ekrana poruke o grešci koja se pojavljuje kada se pokušate prijaviti?
Osim toga, ako postoji bilo kakva relevantna komunikacija između vas i kazina, proslijedite je na kristina.s@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći da riješite ovaj problem što je prije moguće. Jedva čekamo čuti od vas.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello Michi123,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience. Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus? Could you please post here a screenshot of the error message that appears when you try to log in?
Additionally, if there is any relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to kristina.s@casino.guru.
I hope, we will help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dragi Michi123,
Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne dostavite tražene informacije u zadatom roku, odbiti Vaš prigovor.
Dear Michi123,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Zdravo Kristina, poslao sam 2 screenshota. Poruka o grešci i poruka kazinu.
Je li to dovoljno?
Hello Kristina, I have sent 2 screenshots. Error message and a mail to the casino.
Is that enough?
Hallo Kristina, ich habe 2 screenshots gesendet. Fehlermeldung und von einer mail ans Casino.
Reicht das?
Hvala na odgovoru, Michi123. Izvinjavam se, ali nisam našao nijedan vaš email. Možete li, molim vas, proslediti sve ponovo na kristina.s@casino.guru ? Hvala unapred.
Thank you for your reply, Michi123. I apologize, but I haven't found any emails from you. Could you please forward everything again to kristina.s@casino.guru? Thank you in advance.
Zdravo Kristina, poslao sam e-poruku wildtokyu 3 puta. Podsjetnik dvaput 04/05/22 i jednom 04/07/22. Veza u 403 ne radi. Pokušao sam i to, ali adresa je pogrešna...wid...tokyo. Nisam imao bonus. Napravio sam nekoliko depozita i na kraju sam osvojio nekoliko dana kasnije. Kada sam se odjavio sa stanjem od nešto više od 400 eura, više se nisam mogao prijaviti.
Srdačni pozdravi
Michael N***
Hi Kristina, I emailed wildtokyo 3 times. Reminded twice on 04/05/22 and once on 04/07/22. The link in the 403 doesn't work. I've tried that too, but the address is wrong...wid...tokyo. I didn't have a bonus. I made a few deposits and eventually won a few days later. When I logged out with a balance of just over 400 euros, I was never able to log in again.
Kind regards
Michael N***
Hallo Kristina, ich habe 3 mal an wildtokyo gemailt. 2 x am 05.04.22 und einmal am 07.04.22 erinnert. Der link im 403 funktioniert nicht. Den habe ich auch ausprobiert aber da ist die Adresse falsch..wid...tokyo. Ich hatte keinen Bonus. Ich habe einige Male eingezahlt und schließlich nach Tagen auch mal gewonnen. Als ich mich bei einem Kontostand etwas über 400 euro abmeldete konte ich mich nie wieder anmelden.
Michael N***
Hvala puno Michi123 na dosadašnjoj saradnji. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( peter.m@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Michi123 for your cooperation so far. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Zdravo Michi123,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam Wild Tokyo Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Michi123,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Wild Tokyo Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dobar dan Michi123,
Kako smo vas obavijestili u pismu, pokušali ste pristupiti web stranici, koristeći UK VPN.
Prema našim uslovima, UK je zabranjena zemlja za WildTokyo.
Da biste dobili pristup, predlažemo da koristite drugu IP adresu.
Wild Tokyo Casino.
Good day Michi123,
As we informed you in a letter, you tried to get access to the website, using UK VPN.
According to our terms, UK is restricted country for WildTokyo.
To get an access, we suggest you to use another IP address.
Wild Tokyo Casino.
Zdravo Peter, igrao sam danima bez VPN-a i onda se nisam mogao ponovo prijaviti. Uopće nisam imao VPN na svom telefonu dok me chat nije zatražio. Očigledno ne mogu igrati bez VPN-a. Zatim sam učitao VPN i server je postavljen na Holandiju. Takođe ništa. Sada isprobano bez VPN-a. Takođe ništa. Probao sam i na tabletu i laptopu...ništa.
Kako dobiti novu IP adresu? Mislim da moji uređaji imaju različite IP adrese. Ponekad laptop Vodaphone i mobilni telefon iz podružnice Telekoma.
Hi Peter, I played for days without a VPN and then couldn't log in again. I had no VPN on my phone at all until the chat prompted me. Apparently I can't play without a VPN. I then loaded VPN and the server is set to Holland. Also nothing. Now tried without VPN. Also nothing. I've also tried it on my tablet and laptop...nothing.
How do you get a new IP address? I think my devices have different IP addresses. Sometimes a Vodaphone laptop and a mobile phone from a Telekom subsidiary.
Hallo Peter, ich habe tagelang ohne VPN gespielt und konnte mich dann nicht mehr anmelden. Ich hatte überhaupt kein VPN auf dem Handy bis mich der Chat aufgefordert hat. Ohne VPN könne ich angeblich nicht spielen. Habe dann VPN geladen und server ist Holland vorgegeben. Auch nichts. Jetzt ohne VPN versucht. Auch nichts. Ich habe es ausserdem auf meinem Tablet und auf meinem Laptop versucht...Nichts.
Wie bekommt man denn eine neue IP Adresse. Ich denke, meine Geräte haben unterschiedliche IP Adressen. Mal Vodaphone Laptop und handy eine Telekom Tochter.
Takođe, nikada nisam dobio poruku od Wildtokyo.
Mogao se pristupiti samo chatu. Nikada se nije spominjalo UK...
Also, I never got a message from Wildtokyo.
Only the chat could be reached. It was never a reference to UK...
Ausserdem habe ich von Wildtokyo niemals eine Nachricht erhalten.
Nur der Chat war zu erreichen. Es war nie ein Hinweis auf UK...
Zdravo Michi123,
To je vjerovatno zato što je Nizozemska/Holandija također zabranjena zemlja. Evo liste zabranjenih zemalja iz Uvjeta i pravila kazina:
"2.9 Što se tiče zakona o kockanju, oni se razlikuju od zemlje do zemlje. Slijedi lista zemalja u kojima je online kockanje ilegalno, tako da ne možete kreirati nalog na WildTokyo: UK, SAD, Španija, Francuska, Holandija, Ukrajina ( uključujući privremeno okupirane teritorije), Curacao, Aruba, Sint Maarten, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius i Saba, Holandska Zapadna Indija, Statia, Singapur, Iran, Republika Moldavija, Njemačka, Sjeverna Koreja i Italija. WildTokyo ima pravo suspendirati bilo koji račun kreirani od strane stanovnika ovih zemalja, kao i za otkazivanje depozita i opklada."
Koju ste zemlju odabrali u obrascu za registraciju?
Hi Michi123,
It's probably because the Netherlands/Holland is also a restricted country. Here's the list of the restricted countries from the casino's T&Cs:
"2.9 When it comes to gambling laws, they differ from country to country. The following is a list of countries where online gambling is illegal, so you cannot create an account at WildTokyo: UK, USA, Spain, France, Netherlands, Ukraine (including temporarily occupied territories), Curacao, Aruba, Sint Maarten, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba, Dutch West Indies, Statia, Singapore, Iran, Republic of Moldova, Germany, North Korea and Italy. WildTokyo has the right to suspend any account created by residents of these countries, as well as to cancel deposits and bets."
What country did you choose in the registration form?
Ako je Njemačka blokirana, zašto tek nakon nekoliko dana i nekoliko depozita? Nije bitno sada.
Samo zato što Njemačkoj više nije dozvoljeno da zadrži moj novac? Oni bi onda jednostavno trebali vratiti moje depozite bez profita.
If Germany is blocked, why only after days and a few deposits? Doesn't matter now.
Just because Germany is no longer allowed to keep my money? They should then simply pay back my deposits without profit.
Wenn Deutschland gesperrt ist, warum dann erst nach Tagen und einigen Einzahlungen? Ist jetzt auch egal.
Nur weil Deutschland jetzt nicht mehr zugelassen ist dürfen die mein Geld behalten? Die sollen dann einfach mein Einzahlungen ohne Gewinn zurück zahlen.
Hvala Michi123.
Dragi Wild Tokyo Casino tim,
Možete li, molim vas, malo rasvijetliti cijelu situaciju? Zašto se Michi123 mogao registrovati iz Njemačke ako je Njemačka ograničena i zašto mu je savjetovano da koristi VPN? Šta može učiniti da vrati svoj novac?
Thank you Michi123.
Dear Wild Tokyo Casino team,
Could you please shed some light on the whole situation? Why was Michi123 able to register from Germany if Germany is restricted and why was he advised to use VPN? What can he do to get his money back?
zdravo Peter,
Sada sam se povezao preko servera u Japanu. Mogao sam se prijaviti i upravo sam stavio tačno 400 od svojih 417 eura na isplatu. Međutim, na račun u njemačkoj banci. Ako se novac zaista vrati, obavijestit ću vas. Prijenos će vjerovatno trajati najmanje 3 dana.
Hvala vam još jednom na trudu!
Hi Peter,
I have now connected through a server in Japan. I was able to log in and have just placed exactly 400 of my 417 euro balance on payout. However, on a German bank account. If the money actually comes back I will let you know. The transfer will probably take at least 3 days.
Thank you again for your efforts!
Hi Peter,
ich habe jetzt eine Verbindung über einen Server in Japan hergestellt. Konnte mich einloggen und habe von meinen 417 euro Guthaben soeben genau 400 auf Auszahlung gestellt. Allerdings auf eine Deutsche Bankverbindung. Falls das Geld tatsächlich zurück kommt werde ich Dich informieren. Die überweisung wird wohl mindestens 3 Tage dauern.
Erst noch mal Danke für Deine Mühen!
zdravo Peter,
Upravo sam vidio da sam uvijek koristio tebe i da su oni uvijek koristili tebe. Oprostite.
Mnogo pozdrava
Michael N******
Hi Peter,
I just saw that I always used the you and they always used the you. I beg your pardon.
Many greetings
Michael N******
Hallo Peter,
ich habe gerade gesehen, dass ich immer das Du benutzt habe und Sie haben immer das Sie benutzt. Ich bitte um Entschuldigung.
Viele Grüße
Michael N******
Zdravo Peter, ne.
Stanje je nestalo iz kazina otkako sam prestao da plaćam, ali ništa mi do sada nije stiglo na bankovni račun.
Hello Peter, no.
The balance has been gone from the casino since I stopped paying out, but nothing has arrived in my bank account so far.
Hallo Peter, nein.
Aus dem Casino ist das Guthaben weg seit ich die Auszahlung eingestellt habe aber auf meinem Bankkonto ist bisher nichts angekommen.
Ovaj klijent ima zahtjev za povlačenje u ukupnom iznosu od 400 EUR. Klijent to može sam provjeriti na svom profilu računa.
Također, imajte na umu da se povlačenje ne može nastaviti prije nego što račun bude u potpunosti verifikovan. Kao što vidim, trenutno klijent nije verifikovan.
Wild Tokyo Casino.
Hi there,
This client has withdrawal request of total amount 400 EUR. The client can check it by himself at his Account Profile.
Also, please be informed that withdrawal cannot be proceeded before account will be fully verified. As I can see, currently client is not verified.
Wild Tokyo Casino.
Zdravo Peter, ne mogu pronaći ništa o verifikaciji računa u kazinu, pitao sam u chatu...treba poslati e-mail na kyc@wildtokyo.com
Pošalji. Jesam i pitao sam kako mogu provjeriti. Da vidimo kada će doći odgovor.
Hi Peter, I can't find anything about account verification in the casino, I asked in the chat...should send an email to kyc@wildtokyo.com
Send. I did and asked how I can verify. Let's see when an answer comes.
Hi Peter, im Casino finde ich nichts zum Konto verifizieren, habe im chat gefragt...solleine mail an kyc@wildtokyo.com
Senden. Habe ich getan und gefragt wie ich verifizieten kann. Mal sehen wann eine Antwort kommt.
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Michi123,
Pronašao sam iste informacije u Uvjetima i odredbama kazina:
" Kako bi spriječio prijevaru i dodao dodatni sloj sigurnosti vašim transakcijama, Wildtokyo vrši verifikaciju identiteta i autentifikaciju plaćanja.
- Vlasnik računa mora završiti verifikaciju računa prije podizanja sredstava. To se može učiniti slanjem poruke u chatu na web stranici WildTokyo ili slanjem e-pošte direktno finansijskom odjelu: kyc@wildtokyo.com ."
Nadamo se da će vaš račun biti verifikovan bez daljih problema. Molimo vas da me ažurirate.
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear Michi123,
I found the same information in the casino's T&Cs:
" In order to prevent fraud and to add an additional layer of security to your transactions, Wildtokyo performs identity verification and payment authentication.
- An account owner must complete the account verification before withdrawing funds. This could be done by sending a message in the chat at the WildTokyo website, or by sending an email directly to the financial department: kyc@wildtokyo.com."
Hopefully, your account will be verified without further problems. Please keep me updated.
Dragi Michi123,
Molimo Vas da stalno provjeravate svoju e-poštu, jer ovo nije prvi put da navodite da niste dobili od nas mejlove.
2. maja, naš finansijski tim vam je poslao e-poštu o verifikaciji računa. Ovaj email sadrži listu dokumenata koje je potrebno dostaviti za uspješnu verifikaciju računa. Danas vam je ova e-poruka više puta poslana.
Wild Tokyo Casino.
Dear Michi123,
We kindly ask you to check your email constantly, since this is not a first time when you state that didn't get from us emails.
At 2nd May, our Financial Team emailed you about account verification. This email contains list of documents that needed to be provided for successful account verification. Today this email was send to you repeatedly.
Wild Tokyo Casino.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Šteta što ne vidite svoju pohranjenu adresu e-pošte u podacima računa.
It's a pity that you don't see your own stored email address in the account data.
Es ist schade, dass man seine eigene, hinterlegte mailadresse nicht in den Kontodaten sieht.
Dragi Michi123,
Mogu potvrditi da je email ispravan. Ako niste dobili od nas e-poruke, molimo vas da kontaktirate naš tim za podršku kako bi vam poslali listu dokumenata za razgovor u ćaskanju.
Wild Tokyo Casino.
Dear Michi123,
I can confirm that the email is correct. If you didn't get from us emails, kindly ask you to contact our Support Team so, they will send you the list of docs is chat conversation.
Wild Tokyo Casino.
Zatražio sam putem e-pošte da se ponovo pošalje lista dokumenata i danas sam je dobio.
Sada mi ipak treba neko vrijeme da uradim sve.
Obavještavamo Vas o ovome, kako bi Vaš zahtjev za povlačenjem mogao biti obrađen brzo i efikasno, pošaljite nam sljedeća dokumenta:
- Kopija vaše lične karte/pasoša u boji.
- Snimak ekrana vašeg bankovnog računa sa sljedećim informacijama na njemu:
Broj bankovnog računa / IBAN (međunarodni broj bankovnog računa)
ID banke / BIC (bankovni kod)
Detaljna adresa primaoca (poštanski broj, ulica, grad, država)
Molimo Vas da pismeno ponovite svoje bankovne podatke (IBAN, BIC, detaljna adresa primaoca).
- Kopija u boji kreditne/debitne kartice korišćene za uplatu (obe strane). Možete zatvoriti srednjih 8 brojeva kartice i CVV kod.
- Vaš selfi sa ličnom kartom/pasošem u pozadini web stranice wildtokyo.com
Uvjeravamo vas da su svi vaši lični podaci i podaci o plaćanju vođeni našim pouzdanim sistemom zaštite podataka. Molimo vas da nam pošaljete sve gore navedene papire i dokumente na kyc@wildtokyo.com i uključite svoje korisničko ime u naslov.
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, dostupni smo putem chata uživo ili e-pošte support@wildtokyo.com .
I had asked by email for the document list to be sent again and received it today.
Now it takes me a while to do everything though.
We inform you about this, so that your withdrawal request can be processed quickly and efficiently, please send us the following documents:
- A color copy of your ID/Passport.
- A screenshot of your bank account with the following information on it:
Bank account number / IBAN (international bank account number)
Bank ID / BIC (bank code)
Receiver's detailed address (zip code, street, city, country)
Please also repeat your bank details in writing (IBAN, BIC, detailed address of the recipient).
- A color copy of the credit/debit card used to make the deposit (both sides). You can close the middle 8 numbers of the card and the CVV code.
- Your selfie with your ID/Passport in the background of the wildtokyo.com website
We assure you that all your personal and payment data are governed by our reliable data protection system. Please send us all of the above papers and documents to kyc@wildtokyo.com and include your username in the subject line.
If you have any questions, we are available via live chat or email support@wildtokyo.com .
Ich hatte per mail um erneute Ubersendung der Dokumentenliste gebeten und heute auch erhalten.
Jetzt brauche ich allerdings eine Weile um alles zu tun.
Wir informieren Sie darüber, damit Ihre Auszahlungsanfrage schnell und effezient durchführen, bitte senden uns folgende Unterlagen:
- Eine Farbkopie Ihres Ausweisses / Reisepasses.
- Ein Screenshot Ihres Bankkontos mit den folgenden Informationen drauf:
Bankkontonummer / IBAN (internationale Bankkontonummer)
Bank ID / BIC (Bankleitzahl)
Detaillierte Adresse des Empfängers (Postleitzahl, Straße, Stadt, Land)
Bitte wiederholen Sie auch in schriftlicher Form Ihre Bankverbindung (IBAN, BIC, detaillierte Adresse des Empfängers).
- Eine Farbkopie der Kredit- / Debitkarte, die bei Einzahlung verwendet wurde (beide Seiten). Sie können die mittleren 8 Nummern der Karte und den CVV-Code schließen.
- Ihr Selfie mit Ihrem Ausweiss / Reisepass in der vor dem Hintergrund der Website wildtokyo.com
Wir versichern Ihnen, dass alle Ihre Personal- und Zahlungsdaten durch unser zuverlässiges Datenschutzsystem geregelt werden. Bitte senden Sie uns alle obengenante Unterlagen und Dokumente an kyc@wildtokyo.com und geben Sie in der Betreffzeile Ihren Benutzernamen an.
Bei der Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne via Live-Chat oder per E-Mail support@wildtokyo.com zur Verfügung.
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Michi123,
Obavijestite me kada se vaša verifikacija završi. Postavit ću tajmer na 10 dana i javit ću vam se.
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear Michi123,
Let me know when your verification is finished. I will set the timer to 10 days and will get back to you.
Zdravo Peter, fotografirao sam dokumente i napravio snimke ekrana. ALI nemam pojma kako ovo da uradim:
Vaš selfi sa ličnom kartom/pasošem u pozadini na pozadini web stranice wildtokyo.com
Možete li pomoći?
Hi Peter, I photographed documents and made screenshots. BUT I have no idea how to do this:
Your selfie with your ID/passport in the against the background of the wildtokyo.com website
Can you help?
Hi Peter, ich habe Dokumente fotographiert und screenshots gemacht. ABER ich hbe keine Ahnung wie ich das hinkriegen soll:
Ihr Selfie mit Ihrem Ausweiss / Reisepass in der vor dem Hintergrund der Website wildtokyo.com
Können Sie helfen?
Zdravo Michi123,
Sasvim je jednostavno, otvorite web stranicu wildtokyo.com na svom računaru, sjednite pored nje sa svojim ID-om i snimite selfi. Imajte na umu da vaše lice, ID i ekran računara moraju biti vidljivi. Preporučujem da napravite nekoliko slika što boljeg kvaliteta i da odaberete najbolju za učitavanje.
Hi Michi123,
It is quite simple, open the wildtokyo.com website on your PC, sit next to it with your ID and take a selfie. Please note that your face, ID, and PC screen must be visible. I recommend making several pictures of as good quality as possible and selecting the best one for upload.
Ok hvala. To mogu samo za 10 dana. Na odmoru sam i nemam kompjuter ovdje. Pošto nemam ni VPN na PV-u, moram i njega da podesim. Nijedan kazino ili drugi provajder nikada nije tražio nešto poput ovoga. Više izgleda kao da su me sa fotografijom stavili na internet kao šalu.
OK thanks. I can only do that in 10 days. I'm on vacation and don't have a PC here. Since I don't have a VPN on the PV either, I have to set it up as well. No casino or other provider has ever asked for anything like this. It looks more like they put me with the photo on the internet as a joke.
OK, Danke. Das kann ich erst in 10 Tagen. Ich befinde mich im Urlaub und habe hier keinen PC. Da ich auf dem PV auch kein VPN habe muss ich das auch noch einrichten. Noch nie hat ein Casino oder ein anderer Anbieter so etwas verlangt. Das sieht eher danach aus das die mich mit dem Foto dann als Lachnummer ins Netz stellen.
Zdravo Michi123,
U redu, vidim. To zapravo i nije tako neobičan zahtjev. Podesit ću tajmer na 10 dana, javi mi kad se vratiš i pošaljem selfi.
Hi Michi123,
Alright, I see. It actually isn't such an unusual request. I will set the timer to 10 days, let me know when you get back and send the selfie.
Zdravo Peter, sinoć sam poslao nekoliko selfija u Wild Tokyo i tražio isplatu.
Hvala na savjetu o fotografijama.
Inače, i ja sam se registrovao tako da na ekranu možete vidjeti i Michi123.
Nadam se da su fotografije dovoljno dobre.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hi Peter, I sent some selfies to Wild Tokyo last night and asked for a payout.
Thanks for the tip about the photos.
Incidentally, I also registered so that you can also see Michi123 on the screen.
I hope the photos are good enough.
Many greetings
Hi Peter, ich habe gestern Abend einige Selfie an Wild Tokyo gesendet und um Auszahlung gebeten.
Danke für den Tip zu den Fotos.
ich habe mich übrigens auch angemeldet damit man auch Michi123 auf dem Bildschirm sieht.
Ich hoffe, die Fotos sind gut genug.
Viele Grüße
Dragi Michi123,
Ljubazno vas molim da detaljno provjerite svoju e-poštu, jer vam je naš finansijski tim poslao e-poštu 24. maja sa zahtjevom da nam dostavite dokaz o uplati.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Predstavnik kazina Wild Tokyo.
Dear Michi123,
I kindly ask you thoroughly check your email, since our Financial Team emailed you on 24th May with request to provide us proof of payment.
Kind regards,
Wild Tokyo Casino Representative.
Pozdrav Wild Tokyo Casino,
Također ovaj put ne mogu pronaći nikakvu vašu poštu. Ali upravo sam poslao izvod računa kreditne kartice koji pokazuje depozite.
Sada kada su svi uslovi ispunjeni, prenesite 400 eura.
Odgovorite ovdje ako želite isplatiti novac sada.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hello Wild Tokyo Casino,
Also this time I can't find any mail from you. But I just sent the credit card account statement showing the deposits.
Now that all conditions have been met, please transfer the 400 euros.
Please answer here if you want to pay out the money now.
Kind regards
Hallo Wild Tokyo Casino,
auch diesmal finde ich wieder keine mail von Ihnen. Habe aber soeben den Kreditkartenkontoauszug gesendet auf dem die Einzahlungen zu sehen sind.
Da jetzt sicher alle Bedingungen erfüllt sind, bitte nun um Überweisung der 400 Euro.
Bitte antworten Sie hier ob Sie das Geld jetzt auszahlen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dragi Michi123,
Napominjemo da postoje pravila kojih se svaki igrač treba pridržavati. Morate dostaviti svu potrebnu dokumentaciju koju je zatražilo naše finansijsko odjeljenje, a ne dokumente koje želite.
Ako imate problema sa vašom e-poštom, trebate kontaktirati našu Službu za korisničku podršku kako bi vam oni mogli dati tekst e-pošte koja vam je poslana.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Predstavnik kazina Wild Tokyo.
Dear Michi123,
Kindly note, that there are rules, that should be followed by every player. You must provide all the necessary documents that have been requested by our Financial Department, not the documents that you wish to provide.
If you have troubles with your email, you need to contact our Customer Support Service, so they can provide you the text of the email that was sent to you.
Kind regards,
Wild Tokyo Casino Representative.
Poštovani predstavniku Wild Casina,
Poslao sam svu traženu dokumentaciju. Ni na njih nije prigovor. Sada na vašu listu potrebnih dokumenata i selfija, ispisuje se depozit. Ispunio sam sve vaše uslove.
Srdačni pozdravi
Michael Niebuhr
Dear Wild Casino Representative,
I have sent all the documents that were requested. These were also not objected to. Now to your required list of documents and selfie, the deposit slips. I have fulfilled all your conditions.
Kind regards
Michael Niebuhr
Sehr geehrter Wild Casino Vertreter,
ich habe alle Dokumente gesendet die gefordert wurden. Diese wurden auch nicht beanstandet. Jetzt zu Ihrer Anforderungsliste der Dokumemte und selfie noch die Einzahlungsbelege. Ich habe alle Ihre Bedingungen erfüllt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Michael Niebuhr
Dragi Michi123,
Obaviješten sam da posljednji dokument koji ste poslali Finansijskom odjeljenju ne zadovoljava naše standarde verifikacije dokumenata, jer ne može utvrditi da je taj dokument vaš.
Nadalje, budite informirani da bez dostavljanja relevantnih dokumenata našem odjelu, verifikacija računa ne može biti u potpunosti potpuna.
Sva dodatna pitanja pošaljite direktno na kyc@wildtokyo.com
Srdačni pozdravi,
Predstavnik kazina Wild Tokyo.
Dear Michi123,
I was informed that the last document that was sent by you to the Financial Department did not meet our standards of verification documents, since it is unable to determine that document is yours.
Furthermore, please be informer that without providing our department with relevant documents, account verification cannot be fully complete.
All the additional questions, please send directly to kyc@wildtokyo.com
Kind regards,
Wild Tokyo Casino Representative.
Poštovani predstavnike Wild Tokyo Casina, Danas sam primio e-poštu od vašeg tima za podršku da mi pošalje prednju i poleđinu bankovne kartice. Upravo sam ovo uradio.
Mnogo pozdrava
Dear Wild Tokyo Casino representative, Today I received an email from your support team to send me the front and back of the bank card. I have just done this.
Many greetings
Sehr geehrter Wild Tokyo Casino Vertreter, ich bekam heute eine mail von Ihrem Support Team, dass ich die Vorder und Rückseite der Bankkarte senden soll. Dies habe ich soeben auch getan.
Viele Grüße
zdravo Peter,
Danas sam sigurno dobio 400 eura od Wild Tokyo Casina. IBAN pocinje sa EE...mogla bi biti Estonija a u tekstu mozete naci Stokholm...Ali ne ocekujem 400 evra ni od koga drugog...Zato hvala vam puno na trudu bez kojeg bih svakako nikada nisu primili iznos.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hi Peter,
I certainly got the 400 euros from Wild Tokyo Casino today. The IBAN starts with EE... could be Estonia and in the text you can find Stockholm... But I don't expect 400 euros from anyone else... So thank you very much for your efforts, without which I would certainly never have received the amount.
Kind regards
Hi Peter,
ich bekam heute mit Sicherheit die 400 euro vom Wild Tokyo Casino. Die IBAN beginnt mit EE... könnte Estland sein und im Text findet man Stockholm.. Aber ich erwarte von niemandem sonst 400 euro.. Also herzlichen Dank für Deine Mühen ohne die ich den Betrag sicher nie bekommen hätte.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dragi Wild Tokyo Casino predstavniku, Hvala vam na saradnji i transferu 400 eura.
Srdačni pozdravi
Dear Wild Tokyo Casino Representative, Thank you for your cooperation and for transferring the 400 euros.
Kind regards
Sehr geehrter Wild Tokyo Casino Vertreter, ich bedanke mich für Ihre Mitwirkung und die Überweisung der 400 Euro.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Hvala Michi123 na ažuriranju. Drago mi je čuti da ste primili svoja sredstva. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao 'riješenu' u našem sistemu. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you Michi123 for the update. I'm glad to hear that you received your funds. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
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