Šta se desilo:: Da postavim scenu, pronašao sam ovaj kazino odavde i od objava vlasnika na Redditu. Napravio sam nalog prošle godine i zabavio se. Počeo sam da gubim u decembru i odlučio da zatvorim račun. U martu ove godine, imam želju da ponovo krenem. Proveravam veb lokaciju i moj nalog je nestao – što ima smisla. Napravim novi nalog , uplatim i počnem da igram. Ovo je bila moja jedina greška...
Nikada ne koristim bonuse dobrodošlice, radije igram samo sa sirovim depozitima za kontekst.
Pa, imao sam nedelju svog života. Uložio sam oko 4500eur, i na kraju sam dobio 2 maksimalne pobede na različitim testerama i moj bilans je dostigao 35000EUR. Dole sam povezao sliku ovoga. Moja prva povlačenja su prošla u redu, ali ovaj kazino i dalje ima ograničenja povlačenja od 5000 nedeljno, tako da sam zaglavio nakon moja prva 2 povlačenja.
Kasno sinoć, srce mi ispada iz grudi - e-mail od BetCripto. "Vaš nalog je ukinut". Ovo mora da je greška? Ali ne, zatvorili su moj račun i oduzimaju sva moja sredstva zbog višestrukog računa. Pokušao sam da razgovaram sa vlasnikom, ali njegova poslednja reč je da je „ utvrđeno da ste zanemarili ovo pravilo održavanjem više naloga na našoj platformi ", i da je „ Međutim, za nas je od suštinskog značaja da podržavamo integritet naše platforme i obezbediti fer okruženje za igre za sve naše korisnike. Pravilo u vezi sa zabranom više naloga je na snazi da bi se zaštitila poštenost i transparentnost naših usluga. ".
Imao sam samo jedan otvoren nalog na ovom sajtu i nikada nisam koristio klađenje ili bonuse - ja sam potpuno pošten igrač samo za gotovinu. Osećam da je ovo klasičan slučaj kazina koji koristi sve sitne slova koje može da se izvuče iz isplate velike pobede. Bolesna stvar u vezi sa ovim je da su pobede verovatno bile najsrećnije stvari koje su mi se ikada dogodile, i planirao sam da otplatim sav svoj kockarski dug sa ovim.
Ovde samo postavljam žalbu jer sam iscrpeo sve opcije kod vlasnika kazina - očigledno ne želi da mi isplati. Objavljujem ovo ovde jer želim da bude zabeleženo - verovao sam ovom kazinu i sada se osećam kao da su me izdali. Tretiraju me kao varalicu kada sam sve što sam ikada bio, bio iskren.
Nisam ni želeo da se žalim, nadao sam se da ću uspeti da raščistim stvari sa vlasnikom, pošto se činio razumnim. Avaj, bio sam potpuno zatrpan.
What happened:: To set the scene, I found this casino from here and from the owners reddit posts. I created an account last year and had some fun. I started losing in December and decided to close my account. Roll around March this year, I get the urge to have another go. I check the website and my account is gone - which makes sense. I create a new account, deposit and start to play. This was my one and only mistake...
I never use welcome bonuses, I prefer to play only with raw deposits for context.
Well, I had the week of my life. I put in around 4500eur, and in the end I got 2 max wins on different hacksaws and my balance peaked at 35000EUR. I have linked an image of this below. My first withdraws went OK, but this casino still has withdraw limits of 5000 a week, so I was stuck after my first 2 withdraws.
Late last night, my heart falls out my chest - an email from BetCrypto. "Your Account has been terminated". This must be a mistake? But no, they've closed my account and are forfeiting all my funds due to multiaccounting. I tried talking to the owner, but his final say is that "it has been determined that you have disregarded this rule by maintaining multiple accounts on our platform", and that "However, it is essential for us to uphold the integrity of our platform and ensure a fair gaming environment for all our users. The rule regarding the prohibition of multiple accounts is in place to safeguard the fairness and transparency of our services.".
I've only ever had one open account with this site, and I never used any wagering or bonuses - I am a completely fair cash only player. I feel like this is a classic case of a casino using whatever fine print it can to get out of paying out a big win. The sickening thing about this is that the wins were probably the luckiest things that have ever happened to me, and I was planning to pay off all my gambling debt with this.
I'm only posting a complaint here as I have exhausted all options with the casino owner - obviously he does not want to pay me out. I post this here because I want it on the record - I trusted this casino and now I feel like I have been betrayed. I'm being treated like a cheat when all I ever was, was honest.
I didn't even want to make this complaint, I hoped that I would be able to clear things up with the owner, as he seemed reasonable. Alas I've been completely stonewalled.
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