NaslovnaPritužbeBETWINNER Casino - Igrač prijavljuje izgubljeni depozit zbog netačne adrese novčanika.
BETWINNER Casino - Igrač prijavljuje izgubljeni depozit zbog netačne adrese novčanika.
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Slučaj je zatvoren : 09/03/2024
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The player from Egypt had encountered an issue while depositing to Betwinner using the Instapay payment method; an error occurred due to an incorrect address provided on Betwinner's site. He had documented proof of the mistake and evidence that the error had been corrected by the casino since the incident. Despite this, his requests for a refund were dismissed. We had reviewed the provided evidence and found inconsistencies in the Instapay Wallet Username used during the transaction. The player was informed that it was his responsibility to ensure that he sent the money to the correct address. Therefore, his complaint was not upheld.
Igrač iz Egipta je naišao na problem prilikom deponovanja na Betvinner koristeći Instapai način plaćanja; došlo je do greške zbog netačne adrese navedene na Betvinner-ovoj stranici. Imao je dokumentovani dokaz greške i dokaz da je grešku ispravio kazino od incidenta. Uprkos tome, njegovi zahtevi za povraćaj novca su odbačeni. Pregledali smo dostavljene dokaze i pronašli nedoslednosti u korisničkom imenu za Instapai novčanik korišćenom tokom transakcije. Igrač je obavešten da je njegova odgovornost da obezbedi da je novac poslao na tačnu adresu. Stoga, njegova žalba nije prihvaćena.
Pišem da bih podneo žalbu u vezi sa prevarom koju sam doživeo dok sam deponovao na Betvinner koristeći Instapai način plaćanja. Kopirao sam adresu sa Betvinner veb lokacije i nalepio je u svoju Instapai aplikaciju da izvršim transfer depozita. Međutim, nakon što je transfer bio uspešan, i nakon nekoliko sati čekanja, kontaktirao sam podršku i rečeno mi je da je adresa koju sam koristio i koja je navedena na Betvinner sajtu netačna i da sam ja napravio grešku prilikom transfera! !!
Pokušao sam da rešim problem putem ćaskanja uživo, ali nisam uspeo. Zatim sam se žalio info-en timu i ponovo sam bio šokiran njihovim odgovorom. U suštini su mi rekli da sam ja odgovoran za proveru tačnosti podataka i da povraćaj novca u ovom slučaju nije moguć. Zbog ovog odgovora sam se osećao kao da odbacuju moju zabrinutost i očekuju da platim za njihovu grešku.
Na sreću, imam dokaze i snimke ekrana o korišćenju pogrešne adrese na njihovom sajtu, kao i dokaze koji pokazuju da su od tada ispravili grešku i promenili adresu u ispravnu. Nameravam da iznesem sve relevantne dokaze koji potkrepljuju svoje tvrdnje.
Da dam kontekst mojim tvrdnjama, navedem šta se zaista dogodilo:
Netačna adresa je prikazana kao „RISK 11@instapay " dovela je do nenamernog transfera depozita, jer je trebalo da bude "RISK11" bez "@instapai". Snimak ekrana procesa depozita i snimci ekrana promene adrese na njihovoj veb stranici sa "RISK-a 11@instapay " do "RISK11" služe kao ubedljiv dokaz greške i Betvinner-ovo priznanje greške.
Očigledno je da ne treba da budem odgovoran za Betvinner-ovu grešku u kucanju, posebno imajući u vidu konkretne dokaze pri ruci. Zahtevam za podršku u rešavanju ovog pitanja u potpunosti je validan, i ja ću se postarati da odgovori na sve vaše nedoumice budu na odgovarajući način adresirani.
I am writing to raise a complaint regarding a scam that I experienced while depositing on Betwinner using the Instapay payment method. I copied the address from the Betwinner website and pasted it into my Instapay app to perform the deposit transfer. However, after the transfer was successful, and after waiting couple of hours I contacted the support and was told that that the address I have used that was provided on the Betwinner site was incorrect and it was me who made a mistake while doing the transfer !!!
I tried to resolve the issue through the live chat, but I was not successful. I then raised a complaint to the info-en team, and I was shocked again by their response. They essentially told me that I am responsible for verifying the correctness of the details and that a refund is not possible in this case. This response made me feel as though they were dismissing my concerns and expecting me to pay for their mistake.
Fortunately, I have proof and screen recordings of using the wrong address provided on their site, as well as evidence showing that they have since amended the mistake and changed the address to the correct one. I intend to present all relevant evidence to support my claims.
To give context to my claims a provide what really occurred:
The incorrect address displayed as "RISK11@instapay" led to an unintended deposit transfer, as it should have been "RISK11" without "@instapay." The screen recording of the deposit process and the screenshots of the address modification on their website from "RISK11@instapay" to "RISK11" serve as compelling evidence of the error and Betwinner's acknowledgment of the mistake.
It's evident that I should not be held responsible for Betwinner's typo mistake, especially given the concrete evidence at hand. I request for support in addressing this matter is entirely valid, and I will ensure that reply on any of your concerns are appropriately addressed.
Hvala vam što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo sa BETVINNER kazinom i razumem vašu zabrinutost.
Pregledao sam snimke ekrana koje ste dali i primetio sam da je korisničko ime Instapai novčanika u početku R isk11@instapay , ali je kasnije promenjen samo u Risk11 . Međutim, dokaz o transakciji koju ste dali pokazuje korisničko ime R isk11instapay@instapay , što nije u skladu ni sa jednim od korisničkih imena prikazanih na veb lokaciji kazina.
Kada ste izvršili depozit, da li ste naveli i broj Instapai novčanika? Pored toga, da li ste pokušali da kontaktirate Instapai da biste rešili grešku koju ste napravili u korisničkom imenu novčanika?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Sherifraafat,
Thank you for submitting your complaint. I am sorry to hear about your negative experience with BETWINNER Casino and I understand your concern.
I have reviewed the screenshots you provided and noticed that the Instapay Wallet Username was initially Risk11@instapay, but was later changed to Risk11 only. However, the proof of the transaction you provided shows a username of Risk11instapay@instapay, which is not consistent with either of the usernames displayed on the casino website.
When you made your deposit, did you also provide the Instapay Wallet Number? Additionally, have you tried contacting Instapay to address the error you made in the wallet username?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Možete li potvrditi da li ste mogli da pristupite deljenoj vezi za snimanje ekrana Instapai depozita i kako se adresa odražava na ( risk11instapay@instapay )
Hi Veronika
can you please confirm if your were able to access the shared link for screen recording of Instapay pay deposit and how the address is reflected to (risk11instapay@instapay)
Želeo sam da vam skrenem pažnju na neverovatno neprofesionalan i odbojan odgovor putem e-pošte koji sam dobio od Betvinner podrške, uprkos ogromnim dokazima koje sam pružio. Važno je naglasiti da ova greška ima finansijske implikacije, a oni su, čini se, odlučni da odgovornost prebace na mene. Ako je greška napravljena na njihovoj strani, trošak bi trebalo da snose oni, a ne ja. Jasno je da oni ulažu sve napore da izbegnu odgovornost za svoju grešku. Podelio sam imejlove koje sam dobio od njih, a ispod je moj odgovor.
Betvinner info-sr email:
Dragi kupac,
Sajt sadrži tačan broj novčanika. Vi ste odgovorni za proveru tačnosti podataka. Povraćaj novca u ovom slučaju nije moguć.
Podrazumevana adresa u aplikaciji je @instapai, morate sami da proverite adresu. Sve dostupne informacije u vezi sa vašim zahtevom su već dostavljene.
Moj odgovor putem e-pošte sa priloženim snimkom ekrana kao novi dokaz
Pišem da bih izrazio svoju frustraciju i nevericu na sugestiju da treba da budem okrivljena i naterana da platim za problem koji je očigledno proizašao iz vašeg kraja. Uvek sam koristio dugme za kopiranje na vašem sajtu za sve adrese i brojeve novčanika, uključujući i onu o kojoj je reč.
Nakon što sam samostalno sproveo detaljnu istragu, uspeo sam da utvrdim osnovni uzrok problema i dokumentovao ga u video snimku za snimanje ekrana. Pored toga, vredi napomenuti da ste od tada ispravili adresu iz RISK-a 11@instapay na RISK11, što je jasna potvrda da je adresa na vašem sajtu zaista bila netačna.
Potpuno je nerazumno i nepravedno da pokušavate da prebacite krivicu na mene i očekujete da pokrijem troškove za grešku koja je očigledno napravljena na vašoj strani. Vaša uputstva eksplicitno navode da kopirate adresu, što sam i uradio. Vaš pokušaj da me smatrate odgovornim za ovu grešku je i besmislen i, iskreno, deluje kao prevara.
Odbijam da snosim odgovornost za vašu grešku i neću vršiti nikakva plaćanja u vezi sa ovim problemom. Očekujem brzo i pošteno rešenje ovog pitanja.
Konačno, locirao sam odeljak u uputstvima gde je jasno navedeno da nalepite adresu, ukazujući da je savet da koristite metod kopiranja i lepljenja kako biste izbegli greške.
Hi Veronoka
I wanted to bring to your attention the incredibly unprofessional and dismissive email response I received from Betwinner support, despite the overwhelming evidence I provided. It is important to emphasize that this mistake has financial implications, and they seem determined to shift the responsibility onto me. If the error was made on their end, the cost should be borne by them, not me. It is clear that they are making every effort to avoid taking accountability for their mistake. I have shared the emails I received from them, and below is my response.
Betwinner info-en email:
Dear Customer,
The site contains the correct wallet number. You are responsible for verifying the correctness of the details. A refund is not possible in this case.
The default address in the application is @instapay, you must check the address by yourself. All the available information regarding your request has already been provided.
My email response on with a screen shot attached as new evidence
I am writing to express my frustration and disbelief at the suggestion that I should be blamed and made to pay for an issue that clearly originated from your end. I have always used the copy button on your site for all addresses and wallet numbers, including the one in question.
After conducting a thorough investigation on my own, I was able to determine the root cause of the issue and have documented it in a screen recording video. Additionally, it is worth noting that you have since corrected the address from RISK11@instapay to RISK11, which is a clear acknowledgement that the address on your site was indeed incorrect.
It is completely unreasonable and unjust for you to attempt to shift the blame onto me and expect me to cover the costs for a mistake that was clearly made on your end. Your instructions explicitly state to copy the address, which is exactly what I did. Your attempt to hold me accountable for this error is both nonsensical and, frankly, comes across as a scam.
I refuse to be held responsible for your mistake and will not be making any payments in relation to this issue. I expect a prompt and fair resolution to this matter.
Finally, I have located the section in the instructions where it clearly states to paste the address, indicating that the advice is to use the copy and paste method to avoid mistakes.
Imajte na umu da je odgovornost igrača da obezbedi da pošalje novac na tačnu adresu. Čini se da možda niste primetili razliku između adrese koju ste trebali da koristite ( R isk11@instapay ) i adresu koju ste zapravo koristili ( R isk11instapay@instapay ). Čak i ako ste kopirali i nalepili adresu, trebalo je da primetite da nedostaje @ i da je instapai napisan dva puta.
Sa žaljenjem vas obaveštavamo da nećemo moći da pružimo dalju pomoć u vezi sa ovim problemom i da će vaša žalba biti odbijena. Hvala na razumevanju. Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav
Please note that it is the player's responsibility to ensure that they send the money to the correct address. It appears that you may not have noticed the difference between the address you were supposed to use (Risk11@instapay) and the address you actually used (Risk11instapay@instapay). Even if you copied and pasted the address, you should have noticed that the @ was missing and that instapay was written twice.
We regret to inform you that we will not be able to provide any further assistance with this issue, and your complaint will be rejected. Thank you for your understanding. I'm sorry we could not have been of more help on this occasion.
Best regards
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