kestutisnarbutas11, komunicirali smo sa kazinom i dobili informaciju da niste prošli verifikaciju zbog lošeg dokaza o adresi. Ovo nismo videli kao namerno kršenje i prevaru pa smo predložili kazinu da vam da još jednu šansu da podnesete ispravan dokument i da ćemo mi biti posrednik između vas i njih koji će vam pomoći u tome, ali kazino je odbio našu sugestiju navodeći da oni „ozbiljno shvataju KIC i sve u vezi sa njim". Za nas takvo ponašanje nije fer i transparentno, stoga ćemo ovu žalbu zatvoriti kao nerešenu sa kaznom u Indeksu bezbednosti kazina što će ih, nadam se, naterati da idu na kompromis.
Što se tiče onoga što možete da uradite, postoji mogućnost da uložite žalbu regulatoru kazina. To možete učiniti ovde: https: // . Molim vas, obavestite me ako ćete to učiniti, onda ću morati da promenim status žalbe.
Žao mi je što ne mogu biti od veće pomoći.
S poštovanjem,
Pavel K
Casino Guru tim
kestutisnarbutas11, we have communicated with the casino and received an information that you have not passed the verification due to the bad Proof of address. We did not see this as a deliberate breach and fraud so we have suggested to the casino that they give you another chance to submit a correct document and that we would be an intermediary between you and them that will help you with that, but the casino has declined our suggestion stating that they "take KYC and everything related to it seriously". For us, such behavior is not fair and transparent, therefore, we will close this complaint as unresolved with the penalization in the casino's Safety Index which, I hope, will make them to go for a compromise.
As for what you can do, there is a possibility to lodge a complaint with the casino's regulator. You can do so here: Please, let me know if you will do so, I then will need to change the complaint status.
I am sorry I could not be more of help.
Pavel K
Casino Guru Team
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