NaslovnaOnline KazinaWinnerama Casino Recenzija
Winnerama Casino Recenzija

Zatvoren kazino

Winnerama Casino je zatvoren i ne radi više.

Pregledajte sva kazina
Tangiers Casino Group
> 1.000.000 $
Nema licencu
Detalji kazinaRecenzije korisnika16Objašnjenje Indexa SigurnostiDiskusija22

Zatvoren kazino

Winnerama Casino je zatvoren i ne radi više.

Pregledajte sva kazina
Važno: Kazino posluje bez licence Ovaj kazino posluje bez licence. Kao rezultat toga, kazino ne mora da posluje pod pravilima regulatornog tela. Dodatno, nećete imati kome da se žalite ako dođe do problema.

Winnerama Casino Recenzija

Detaljno smo proučili Winnerama Casino i dali smo mu loš sigurnosni rejting. To je loš onlajn kazino i savetujemo Vam da ga se klonite. U našoj recenziji, razmotrili smo žalbe igrača u ovom kazinu, procenili prihode, licencu, da li su igre prave, kvalitet korisničke podrške, da li pružaju fer tretman u smislu odredbi i uslova, podizanje novca i limite dobitaka, i druge faktore. Winnerama Casino je povezan sa drugim onlajn kazinima koji su izlistani ispod i  i oni negativno utiču na njegov rejting. Pročitajte celu recenziju ispod i saznajte više o ovom kazinu.

Prema našem istraživanju i procenama, Winnerama Casino je manji onlajn kazino u smislu prihoda. Deo je grupe povezanih kazina sa visokim kombinovanim prihodima, ali mi bismo i dalje klasifikovali ovu grupe kao srednje veličine. Prihod kazina je važan faktor, jer veća kazina ne bi trebala da imaju problem da isplaćuju velike dobitke, dok manja kazina potencijalno mogu da se muče ako uspete da osvojite zaista veliki dobitak.

Winnerama Casino radi bez validne licence.

Trenutno imamo 9 žalbi konkretno na ovaj kazino u našoj bazi podataka, kao i 12 žalbi na druge kazine sa kojima je povezan. Zbog ovih žalbi, dali smo ovom kazinu 6.270 crnih bodova ukupno, od kojih 3.993 dolazi od povezanih kazina. Možete saznati više informacija o svim žalbama i crnim bodovima ispod u delu recenzije "Objašnjenje indeksa sigurnosti".

Takođe postoje Odredbe i Uslovi korišćenja bonusa koji nisu fer, koji mogu da Vam prouzrokuju probleme ako odlučite da iskoristite kazino bonuse ili promocije. Zbog ovoga, savetujemo Vam da potražite kazino sa fer pravilima ili da makar posvetite specijalnu pažnju Odredbama i Uslovima korišćenja ovog kazina ako odlučite da igrate u njemu.

Kao što možete videti na osnovu svih informacija iz naše recenzije, Winnerama Casino ima loš indeks sigurnosti. Ne preporučujemo da igrate u njemu i snažno vam savetujemo da ga se klonite.


Nema klađenja
Video poker
Džekpot igre
Uživo igre
Nema pokera
Nema kockica
Nema keno
Nema greb greb kartica
Nema klađenja na eSports
Ne Crash igre

Dostupni jezici

Engleski website
Korisnička podrška na engleskom
Nema uživo četa

Provajderi igre

  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Octopus Gaming

Pozitivne strane

  • Dobra selekcija igara
  • Depoziti kripto valuta se prihvaćaju
  • Live diler igre su dostupne
  • Brza registracija samo sa osnovnim informacijama

Loše strane

  • Siromašna selekcija provajdera igara
  • Naplaćuju neke depozite i metode podizanja novca
  • Nema live chat-a

Zanimljive činjenice

  • Međunarodni kasino srednje veličine
  • Prosečan limit isplate po transakciji (16000EUR/mesečno)
Autor & Garant: Pavel Kaczynski Zadnji put ažurirano: 27/10/2022 Da li je nešto netačno ili nešto fali? Recite nam
Kazino Bonusi

Winnerama Casino bonusi

Pregledajte sve obnuse koje nudi Winnerama Casino, uključujući njihov bez depozitni bonus i bonus na prvi depozit.

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

Recenzije korisnika (16)

Recenzija korisnika Winnerama Casino

Ovo je mesto gde možete podeliti vaše iskustvo sa Winnerama Casino. Pročitajte šta su drugi igrači napisali ili napišite svoju recenziju i podelite sa svim pozitivne ili negatinve kvalitete bazirano na vašem ličnom iskustvu.

Feedback korisnika:

Ocenjeno od 16 korisnika

Vrlo pozitivanPozitivanNeutralanNegativanVrlo negativan

Da li imate bilo kakvo iskustvo sa ovim kazinom?

Napišite recenziju

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

• pre 2 godina
The problem I have with Winnerama Casino is that they had shown to be deceitful, misleading, fraudulent, and having no shame with their ill-conduct and malpractice.

I had made a deposit of R350 as a sign up bonus.
I received email confirmation that the wagering requirements have been met.
I submitted KYC documents and received email confirmation that this had fully verified my account.
I submitted a withdrawal of 18 000 ZAR and then everything went downhill from there.
They requested proof of the deposit which I had provided via bank statement.
They requested ownership of financial accounts which I had provided for my credit card (which I made the deposit with) as well as proof of my Neteller account, and finally proof of my Luno (Bitcoin) account.
They had stated that my account had been selected for random game verification processes which had passed.
At the end I had been advised to proceed with the withdrawal once more.
Only to receive an email a few days later stating that they are terminating the relationship between us and they can do so without notice, and had not provided any reasons (even though the terms and conditions do not state that they can do so without any reason.)
I had enquired into reasoning but did not receive any response.

It cannot be correct or just that they could conduct themselves in such a way and get a way with it. I had made my winnings fair and square, followed all requests from them and still they turn around and end the relationship to get out of paying me. All this without even returning my deposit which simply shows how completely thieving they are.
• pre 2 godina
winnerama casino
they are not honest.. they made me wait more than 30 days for my withdrawal, they didn't pay and today they closed my account without any reason and explanation... how can this casino have any reputation????
  • bad, not pay
  • terrible not pay
  • lie to you until they take your money
• pre 2 godina
Zatvaraju vaš nalog kad god žele, ostavljaju isplate da vise i ne odgovaraju na vaše imejlove
• pre 2 godina
Avoid this casino! As soon as you request a withdrawal the problems will begin, request for information, more delays, funds returned, more requests for information, more delays, lack of communication, more delays. I then had to request 4 times for them to close my account as I refused to give them another cent.
  • Withdrawal process
  • Verification process
  • Issues closing account
• pre 2 godina
I have been trying to get my winnings from winnarama for almost 3 months and now i can't even get a reply to my e-mails nore can i access there onsite help line they where quick to take my money but as soon as i won and wanted to withdraw i got excusses that they need something sent then i can reapply so i did that 6 time as they are that retarded to just say that u need this this and this at the activation page it has been all most 2 weeks since i have placed my withdrawal request for the 7th time and nothing so now i am going to start looking in to a few things and from this i am going to make sure they are brought to justice for this because i am sick of frauders and scammers like this lot and i a also going to find out what else to do so now one else ever gets sucked in to there BS lies
• pre 2 godina
you will never see your money, when you try to withdraw they will not send you the money but lie their way out of it, NOT LICENSED NOT LICENSED NO LICENSE NO LICENSE. the fact theyre hiding that they dont have a license on casino guru makes me think theyre making money from these scammers also, any other casino with no license they have a big warning but on this one they hid it...
  • pretty good at scamming customers
• pre 2 godina
Continuously delays payment even when proper documentation has already been provided weeks earlier. They were by the book in terms of their own rules but today they broke them by asking for documents that had been previously submitted and subject to full 10 business day management review. Still awaiting resolution, I am hoping that this was an honest mistake on their part.
  • Great games
  • Daily tournaments and races
  • 25 Free spins on a wide range of slots (of your choosing) twice a week
  • Read the fine print
  • Delays in payment, if ever
• pre 2 godina
Nemoguće je naplatiti, deponovao sam od 5 do 10 dolara da probam ali u trenutku naplate daju hiljadu zamena da ne platim.

Zaradio sam 500 dolara, ne daju mi da podignem više od 100 sedmično, potrebno im je 5 radnih dana da odgovore i morate imati depozit od 25 prije zahtjeva za povlačenje.
Ako mi daju toliko krugova da povučem, kako ću uplatiti više novca? tretirati me kao budalu?
  • Daju besplatne udarce
  • Nemoguće prikupiti
• pre 2 godina
Bonus is 35 free spins not 35$
• pre 3 godina
I won a fairly big amount about 7 days ago. Wanted to withdraw my money and was told I can only do this if my account was verified which I proceeded to upload my documents. I was on via live chat with them. I was told that i must close and open the casino again which i did and it seemed that i was verified. The system then let me withdraw my winnings. I waited the 5 business days as I was told to do, I then saw that my withdrawals were canceled I then reached out to them again and was told to upload my ID with me holding I tried this but nothing. And now the back and forth began, I used their online system which shows you to take a photo of your driver's license and a photo of your face. Which I did and once again was not verified. I was also emailed by their accounts department and told the following.
Please note that your payout request has been declined due to the fact that we are missing your handheld picture ID.

Please feel free to upload a picture of you holding your ID on the website, under the Verification page, or by email at your earliest convenience, and then you may resubmit your withdrawal request in the system.

Thank you for your understanding in the matter. If you need any help please do not hesitate to contact us, we will gladly assist you.
as you can see it clearly states that I can also email it to them which was also confirmed by the live chat. I have emailed it to them as well as other documents but they are still giving me the runaround seems as if they do not want to payout.
I am an avid gambler and use numerous online sites for that purpose and this is the first time i have had this type of problem
I also now see they have disabled my live chat icon so i cannot get in touch that way any longer
  • Nice games
  • Very bad payout and verification sysytems
  • Bad support
• pre 3 godina
Just like Slotland you will receive a $35 no deposit bonus.

My experience was good but short, due to the loss of bonus money.
  • No deposit bonus works
  • Not a lot of fun games
Objašnjenje Indexa Sigurnosti

Index Sigurnosti Winnerama Casino objašnjenje

Pogledajte objašnjenje faktora koje uzimamo u obzir pri izračunavanju ocene indeksa sigurnosti Winnerama Casino. Indeks sigurnosti glavna je metrika koju koristimo za opisivanje pouzdanosti, pravednosti i kvaliteta svih online kazina u našoj bazi podataka.

Kazino srednje veličine, bazirano na našim istraživanjima i procenama
Smatramo kazino T&Cs nekorektnim
Nije pronađena nijedna relevantna kazino crna lista
Vrlo visoka vrednost zadržanih dobitaka u pritužbama igrača u odnosu na veličinu kazina
Razmotrili smo i druge faktore koji su imali pomalo negativan uticaj na Indeks Sigurnosti kazina
Index Sigurnosti ovog kazina je izračunat isključivo na našem istraživanju i podacima koje je sakupio tim koji radi recenzije. Naučite više o metodologiji recenzija kazina

Da li je ovaj kazino uradio nešto nepošteno prema vama?

Unesite pritužbu


Važno: Kazino posluje bez licence Ovaj kazino posluje bez licence. Kao rezultat toga, kazino ne mora da posluje pod pravilima regulatornog tela. Dodatno, nećete imati kome da se žalite ako dođe do problema.

Nepošteni uslovi i pravila

  • Ovaj casino zabranjuje određene obrasce klađenja ili strategije kada se igra sa bonus sredstvima, ali još nismo bili svedoci da se ovo pravilo koristi protiv igrača.

Drugi faktori

  • Radi bez licence

Žalbe i Winnerama Casino i povezanim kazinima (85)


Žalbe direktno o Winnerama Casino

Žalbe na povezanom Tangiers Casino (Isti menadžment)

Prikaži (+10) više žalbi

Winnerama Casino Diskusija

Diskutujte o svemu vezanom za Winnerama Casino sa drugim igračima, delite mišljenja ili nađite odgovore na svoja pitanja.

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

Metode isplate

Winnerama Casino platne metode

VISAMastercardBitcoin (BTC)Litecoin (LTC)Ethereum (ETH)Ripple (XRP)Stellar Lumens (XLM)Bitcoin Cash (BCH)Chainlink (LINK)USD Coin (USDC)Tron (TRX)Tether (USDT)
Recenzije korisnika - Napištie svoje recenzije kazina i podelite svoje iskustvo
Casino Guru Vesti – Pratite dnevne vesti iz industrije kockanja
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Pratite nas na društvenim mrežama - Dnevni postovi, bez depozitni bonusi, novi slotovi i još toga
Pretplatite se na naš bilten i saznajte gde su najnoviji bez depozitni bonusi, novi slotovi i druge vesti